Emberi Jellemzők és Készségek - Természeti tulajdonságok és hajlamok
Fedezze fel, hogy az olyan angol közmondások, mint a „nature passes nurture” és „a leopárd nem tudja megváltoztatni a foltjait”, hogyan ábrázolják a természetes vonásokat és hajlamokat angolul.
used to imply that a person's fundamental nature or character is difficult and unlikely to change, even if they try
a leopárd nem tudja megváltoztatni a foltjait
used to imply that a person's true nature or identity cannot be disguised or changed by outward appearances, such as clothing or social status
a majom az majom, a varlet egy varlet, bár selyemmel vagy skarláttal vannak felöltözve
used to emphasize that a person or creature's fundamental qualities and character are innate and unlikely to change, despite the passage of time or the influence of external factors
a farkas elveszítheti a fogát, de a természetét soha
used to suggest that a person's inherent character or nature is unlikely to change, even with age or experience
a róka megszürkülhet, de soha nem lesz jó
used to suggest that certain qualities or abilities are innate and cannot be acquired through training or education
született, nem készült
used to suggest that one cannot turn something of low quality or little value into something of high quality or great value, no matter how much effort is put into it
koca füléből nem lehet selyem erszényt csinálni
used to suggest that a person's innate qualities and traits have a greater impact on their development and behavior than external factors such as upbringing or environment
a természet ápolja
used to imply that a person's inherent character or nature cannot be changed by changing their external appearance or behavior
a varjú soha nem fehérebb, ha gyakran mossa magát
used to imply that a foolish person will remain foolish no matter how many opportunities or experiences they have
küldj egy bolondot a piacra, és egy bolond visszatér
used to highlight the tendency of individuals to quickly lose interest or forget about something or someone they once cared deeply about
bömbölő tehén hamar elfelejti a borját
used to suggest that from the moment of our birth, we express dissatisfaction and continue to do so throughout our lives, often ending with unfulfilled expectations and disappointment
sírva születünk, panaszkodva élünk, és csalódottan halunk meg
used to suggest that a person's innate tendencies or characteristics, inherited from their ancestors, will eventually become apparent in their actions or personality and are difficult to change
ami a csontban nőtt, az a húsban jön ki