Decisione e Controllo - fuori controllo
Esplora gli idiomi inglesi che si riferiscono all'essere fuori controllo con esempi come "fuori dai binari" e "andare a pezzi".
(of an action) done due to one's pride being hurt or not being treated well
(of a situation) to keep getting worse in an uncontrollable manner
(of behavior) not in accordance with law and order and free from control
selvaggio e lanoso
without any prior planning or thought
impulsivamente, senza deliberazione
at a time when anger or excitement completely overwhelm one, preventing any rational thought to come to mind
nel calore del momento
to find it extremely difficult to control oneself, due to feeling really angry, excited, etc.
Essere molto emotivo
used to say that a situation or outcome is beyond human control or influence, and is left to fate, chance, or external forces to determine
nel grembo degli dei
to make a decision to do something solely based on one's emotions
prendere una decisione di fare qualcosa basata esclusivamente sulle proprie emozioni
to be unable to conceal one's strong feeling or urge
non essere in grado di nascondere o sopprimere il proprio forte sentimento o impulso
used to refer to a situation in which a person or thing that is important or powerful is being led or controlled by a significantly less powerful or important person or thing
la coda scodinzola il cane
to be unable to control oneself due to being under emotional or mental pressure
diventa molto emotivo
an unexpected or unusual occurrence or event that alters the course of events