
本 English File - 中上級 - レッスン 8A

ここには、英語ファイル上級中級コースブックのレッスン 8A にある「強盗」、「詐欺師」、「破壊行為」などの語彙が含まれています。









English File - Upper Intermediate

an unlawful act that is punishable by the legal system

犯罪, 違法行為

犯罪, 違法行為

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the act of making someone suffer because they have done something illegal or wrong

罰, 刑罰

罰, 刑罰

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to burgle

to illegally enter a place in order to commit theft

侵入して盗む, 泥棒する

侵入して盗む, 泥棒する

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someone who illegally enters a place in order to steal something

泥棒, 侵入者

泥棒, 侵入者

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to break into

to use force to enter a building, vehicle, or other enclosed space, usually for the purpose of theft

侵入する, 力づくで入る

侵入する, 力づくで入る

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to steal

to take something from someone or somewhere without permission or paying for it

盗む, 奪う

盗む, 奪う

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the crime of entering a building to commit illegal activities such as stealing, damaging property, etc.

不法侵入, 強盗

不法侵入, 強盗

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the crime of demanding money or benefits from someone by threatening to reveal secret or sensitive information about them

脅迫, 恐喝

脅迫, 恐喝

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someone who demands services or money in exchange for not revealing harmful information or doing something harmful

脅迫者, ゆすり屋

脅迫者, ゆすり屋

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the act of offering money to an authority to gain advantage

賄賂, 汚職

賄賂, 汚職

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to bribe

to persuade someone to do something, often illegal, by giving them an amount of money or something of value

賄賂を贈る, 賄賂を渡す

賄賂を贈る, 賄賂を渡す

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drug dealer

an individual who sells illegal drugs such as narcotics, opioids, etc.

ドラッグディーラー, 麻薬の売人

ドラッグディーラー, 麻薬の売人

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to sell

to give something to someone in exchange for money

売る, 販売する

売る, 販売する

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any illegal substance that people take in order to experience its mental or physical effects

ドラッグ, 違法薬物

ドラッグ, 違法薬物

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the act of cheating in order to make illegal money

詐欺, 不正行為

詐欺, 不正行為

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a person who deceives others to gain money, particularly in business transactions

詐欺師, 詐欺犯

詐欺師, 詐欺犯

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to commit

to do a particular thing that is unlawful or wrong

犯す, 実行する

犯す, 実行する

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to hack

(computing) to illegally access a computer system, network, or online account in order to find, use, or change the information it contains

ハックする, 侵入する

ハックする, 侵入する

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someone who uses computers to illegally access someone else's computer or phone

ハッカー, 侵入者

ハッカー, 侵入者

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to hijack

to forcefully take control of a vehicle, like an airplane, often to take hostages or change its course

ハイジャックする, 奪取する

ハイジャックする, 奪取する

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someone who uses threats or violence to take control of a moving vehicle, particularly an airplane, to forcefully change the destination or demand something

ハイジャッカー, 航空機のハイジャック

ハイジャッカー, 航空機のハイジャック

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someone who takes an individual away and holds them in captivity, particularly to demand something for their release

誘拐者, 人さらい

誘拐者, 人さらい

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to kidnap

to take someone away and hold them in captivity, typically to demand something for their release

誘拐する, 拉致する

誘拐する, 拉致する

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to mug

to steal from someone by threatening them or using violence, particularly in a public place

強奪する, 盗む

強奪する, 盗む

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a person who attacks and robs people in a public place

強盗, 襲撃者

強盗, 襲撃者

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to murder

to unlawfully and intentionally kill another human being

殺す, 殺害する

殺す, 殺害する

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a person who is guilty of killing another human being deliberately

殺人者, 殺人犯

殺人者, 殺人犯

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to rape

to force someone to have sex against their will, particularly by using violence or threatening them

強姦する, 性的暴力を振るう

強姦する, 性的暴力を振るう

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someone who forcefully engages in sexual activity with another person without their agreement or permission, which is against the law and considered a serious crime

強姦者, 性犯罪者

強姦者, 性犯罪者

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the crime of stealing money or goods from someone or somewhere, especially by violence or threat

強盗, 窃盗

強盗, 窃盗

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an individual who illegally and secretly imports or exports goods or people

密輸業者, 密輸犯

密輸業者, 密輸犯

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to smuggle

to move goods or people illegally and secretly into or out of a country

密輸する, 密入する

密輸する, 密入する

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to stalk

to follow, watch, or pursue someone persistently and often secretly, causing them fear or discomfort

ストーカーする, 追跡する

ストーカーする, 追跡する

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a person who persistently and obsessively follows, watches, or harasses someone else, often causing fear, distress, or a sense of danger

ストーカー, 追跡者

ストーカー, 追跡者

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the act of using violence such as killing people, bombing, etc. to gain political power



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person who uses violence or threats to achieve political or ideological goals by targeting innocent people or civilians

テロリスト, テロリスト

テロリスト, テロリスト

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to set off

to activate a bomb, an explosive, etc.

爆発させる, 起爆する

爆発させる, 起爆する

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an object that is designed to explode and cause destruction



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the illegal act of taking something from a place or person without permission

窃盗, 盗み

窃盗, 盗み

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someone who steals something from a person or place without using violence or threats

泥棒, 強盗

泥棒, 強盗

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the illegal act of purposefully damaging a property belonging to another person or organization

バンダリズム, 破壊行為

バンダリズム, 破壊行為

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to vandalize

to intentionally damage something, particularly public property

虐待する, 破壊する

虐待する, 破壊する

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a person who sees an event, especially a criminal scene

証人, 目撃者

証人, 目撃者

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armed robbery

the act of stealing property or money using a weapon

武装強盗,  armed robbery

武装強盗, armed robbery

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a mark made by the unique pattern of lines on the tip of a person's finger, can be used to find out who has committed a crime

指紋, フィンガープリント

指紋, フィンガープリント

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someone who does or is involved in an illegal activity

犯罪者, 犯罪者

犯罪者, 犯罪者

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to arrest

(of law enforcement agencies) to take a person away because they believe that they have done something illegal

逮捕する, 拘束する

逮捕する, 拘束する

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to catch

to stop and hold an object that is moving through the air by hands

キャッチする, 受け止める

キャッチする, 受け止める

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to charge

to officially accuse someone of an offense

告訴する, 起訴する

告訴する, 起訴する

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to investigate

to try to find the truth about a crime, accident, etc. by carefully examining its facts

調査する, 捜査する

調査する, 捜査する

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to question

to have or express uncertainty about something

疑問を投げかける, 質問する

疑問を投げかける, 質問する

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a legal process where a judge and jury examine evidence in court to decide if the accused is guilty

裁判, 試判

裁判, 試判

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one or multiple people who are believed to have committed a crime in a law court

被告, 被告人

被告, 被告人

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found to be not guilty of an illegal act in a law court

無罪の, 釈放された

無罪の, 釈放された

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the group of people in a court including the judge and the jury

裁判所, 法廷

裁判所, 法廷

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a statement, document, or object that is used in a law court for establishing facts

証拠, 証言

証拠, 証言

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responsible for an illegal act or wrongdoing

有罪の, 犯した

有罪の, 犯した

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not having committed a wrongdoing or offense

無罪の, 無実の

無罪の, 無実の

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the official in charge of a court who decides on legal matters



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a group of twelve citizens, who listen to the details of a case in the court of law in order to decide the guiltiness or innocence of a defendant

陪審, 陪審員

陪審, 陪審員

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information or evidence that proves the truth or existence of something

証拠, 証明

証拠, 証明

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to sentence

to officially state the punishment of someone found guilty in a court of law

判決する, 宣告する

判決する, 宣告する

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an official decision made by the jury in a court after the legal proceedings

評決, 判決

評決, 判決

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