Kniha Interchange - Vyšší středně pokročilý - Lekce 8A
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z lekce 8A v učebnici English File Upper Intermediate, jako je „burgle“, „fraudster“, „vandalism“ atd.
the act of making someone suffer because they have done something illegal or wrong

trest, sankce

someone who illegally enters a place in order to steal something

zloděj, vnikatel

to use force to enter a building, vehicle, or other enclosed space, usually for the purpose of theft

vloupat se do, násilně vstoupit do

to take something from someone or somewhere without permission or paying for it

krást, uloupit

the crime of entering a building to commit illegal activities such as stealing, damaging property, etc.

vloupání, krádež

the crime of demanding money or benefits from someone by threatening to reveal secret or sensitive information about them

vydírání, šantáž

someone who demands services or money in exchange for not revealing harmful information or doing something harmful

vyděrač, šantážista

to persuade someone to do something, often illegal, by giving them an amount of money or something of value

podplácet, uplatit

an individual who sells illegal drugs such as narcotics, opioids, etc.

narkoman, prodejce drog

any illegal substance that people take in order to experience its mental or physical effects

droga, nezákonná látka

a person who deceives others to gain money, particularly in business transactions

podvodník, švindlíř

(computing) to illegally access a computer system, network, or online account in order to find, use, or change the information it contains

hacknout, získat přístup

someone who uses computers to illegally access someone else's computer or phone

hacker, vnikatel

to forcefully take control of a vehicle, like an airplane, often to take hostages or change its course

uneslít, zabránit

someone who uses threats or violence to take control of a moving vehicle, particularly an airplane, to forcefully change the destination or demand something

únosce, lupič

someone who takes an individual away and holds them in captivity, particularly to demand something for their release

únosce, pachatel únosu

to take someone away and hold them in captivity, typically to demand something for their release

unést, zpřevést

to steal from someone by threatening them or using violence, particularly in a public place

oloupit, přepadnout

a person who is guilty of killing another human being deliberately

vrah, zabiják

to force someone to have sex against their will, particularly by using violence or threatening them

znásilnit, sexuálně napadnout

someone who forcefully engages in sexual activity with another person without their agreement or permission, which is against the law and considered a serious crime

násilník, sexuální násilník

the crime of stealing money or goods from someone or somewhere, especially by violence or threat

loupež, krádež

an individual who illegally and secretly imports or exports goods or people

pachatel, nakladač

to move goods or people illegally and secretly into or out of a country

pašovat, nelegálně převážet

to follow, watch, or pursue someone persistently and often secretly, causing them fear or discomfort

pronásledovat, sledovat

a person who persistently and obsessively follows, watches, or harasses someone else, often causing fear, distress, or a sense of danger

stalker, pronásledovatel

the act of using violence such as killing people, bombing, etc. to gain political power


person who uses violence or threats to achieve political or ideological goals by targeting innocent people or civilians

terorista, terorista

the illegal act of taking something from a place or person without permission

krádež, zločin

someone who steals something from a person or place without using violence or threats

zloděj, lupič

the illegal act of purposefully damaging a property belonging to another person or organization

vandalismus, ničení majetku

to intentionally damage something, particularly public property

vandalizovat, poškodit

the act of stealing property or money using a weapon

ozbrojená loupež, loupež s použitím zbraně

a mark made by the unique pattern of lines on the tip of a person's finger, can be used to find out who has committed a crime

otisk prstu, prstový otisk

(of law enforcement agencies) to take a person away because they believe that they have done something illegal

zatknout, zadržet

to try to find the truth about a crime, accident, etc. by carefully examining its facts

vyšetřovat, zkoumat

a legal process where a judge and jury examine evidence in court to decide if the accused is guilty

soudní proces, řízení

one or multiple people who are believed to have committed a crime in a law court

obviněný, obvinění

found to be not guilty of an illegal act in a law court

osvobozený, zproštěný viny

a statement, document, or object that is used in a law court for establishing facts

důkaz, svědectví

a group of twelve citizens, who listen to the details of a case in the court of law in order to decide the guiltiness or innocence of a defendant

porota, soudní porota

information or evidence that proves the truth or existence of something

důkaz, potvrzení

to officially state the punishment of someone found guilty in a court of law

odsoudit, vynést rozsudek