
映画と劇場 - 映画と演劇に関連する名詞










Words Related to Cinema and Theater

a movie, TV program, etc. that is based on a book or play

映画化, 適応

映画化, 適応

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black-and-white movie

a motion picture including no colors except the colors black, white and a range of gray

白黒映画, モノクロ映画

白黒映画, モノクロ映画

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a low-budget motion picture that is considered to be of low quality

B級映画, B-movie

B級映画, B-movie

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chick flick

a motion picture that is aimed at a female audience, usually depicting a romantic relationship

恋愛映画, 女子向け映画

恋愛映画, 女子向け映画

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costume drama

a motion picture or theatrical production with a historical setting in which the actors wear the costume appropriate to that time period

コスチュームドラマ, 歴史劇

コスチュームドラマ, 歴史劇

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director's cut

a version of a motion picture that is edited in a way that the director wanted it to be originally, containing scenes that are not included in the studio version

ディレクターズカット版, 監督版

ディレクターズカット版, 監督版

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a set of related movies or novels that portray the same character or characters in different settings and situations

フランチャイズ, シリーズ

フランチャイズ, シリーズ

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a style of art, music, literature, film, etc. that has its own special features

ジャンル, 芸術ジャンル

ジャンル, 芸術ジャンル

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a story that we can watch on a screen, like a TV or in a theater, with moving pictures and sound

映画, フィルム

映画, フィルム

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new wave

a French film movement in the 1960s known for its innovative techniques and fresh approach to storytelling



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‌a novel, motion picture, etc. that depicts the events and stories taking place before the events of an earlier work

プリクエル, 前日譚

プリクエル, 前日譚

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a motion picture or piece of music that is made based on an old song or movie

リメイク, 再制作

リメイク, 再制作

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a book, movie, play, etc. that continues and extends the story of an earlier one

続編, 続続

続編, 続続

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a movie, novel, play, etc. that is initially underappreciated, but gains sudden and unexpected success later on

隠れた名作, 後から評価される作品

隠れた名作, 後から評価される作品

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production of something new based on a successful movie or TV show

スピンオフ, 派生作品

スピンオフ, 派生作品

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a motion picture that is set to a soundtrack, as opposed to a silent movie

トーキー, 音声映画

トーキー, 音声映画

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a narrative that makes the audience feel extremely sad and excessively sentimental

涙を誘う話, 感動的な物語

涙を誘う話, 感動的な物語

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a movie that is intended to be broadcast on TV, rather than being projected on the screen

テレビ映画, テレビフィルム

テレビ映画, テレビフィルム

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a sad movie, play, book, etc. that is too sentimental and makes the audience cry

涙ものの映画, 感動的な映画

涙ものの映画, 感動的な映画

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a motion picture, TV or radio program, etc. that someone has contributed to

クレジット, 貢献

クレジット, 貢献

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a group of people who have gathered to watch and listen to a play, concert, etc.

観客, 聴衆

観客, 聴衆

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someone who frequently goes to watch plays at a theater

観劇者, 劇場ファン

観劇者, 劇場ファン

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comedy of manners

a comic play, movie, book, etc. that portrays the behaviors of a particular social class, satirizing them

風俗喜劇, マナー喜劇

風俗喜劇, マナー喜劇

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a comic movie or play that depicts unlikely or silly situations by the use of buffoonery

ファルス, 喜劇

ファルス, 喜劇

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period piece

a movie, novel, play, etc. that is set in an earlier historical era

時代もの, 時代劇

時代もの, 時代劇

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a book, painting, play, etc. that is created according to the common taste of the public in order to earn money

商業作品, お金のための作品

商業作品, お金のための作品

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something that is extremely successful, such as a song, motion picture, play, etc.

大ヒット, 成功作

大ヒット, 成功作

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a story, play, movie, etc. about a mystery or murder that the audience cannot solve until the end

ミステリー小説, 殺人事件

ミステリー小説, 殺人事件

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someone who frequently goes to watch movies at a cinema

映画ファン, 映画観覧者

映画ファン, 映画観覧者

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something that is unsuccessful or fails to meet expectations, such as a movie, play, or product

失敗, フロップ

失敗, フロップ

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a piece of art created with great skill, which is an artist's best work

傑作, マスターピース

傑作, マスターピース

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products such as clothes, toys, etc. that are related to a motion picture, TV show or sports team; the process of selling these products

マーチャンダイジング, 商品化プロセス

マーチャンダイジング, 商品化プロセス

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rave review

an article published in a newspaper or magazine that praises a movie, book, etc.

称賛レビュー, 好評な記事

称賛レビュー, 好評な記事

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a report that is published in a newspaper or a magazine, in which someone gives an opinion of a play, movie, book, etc.

レビュー, 批評

レビュー, 批評

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unwanted information about how the plot of a movie, game, book, etc. develops or ends that can ruin one's enjoyment

ネタバレ, 暴露

ネタバレ, 暴露

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running time

the duration of a musical performance, theater, or motion picture

上演時間, 上演の時間

上演時間, 上演の時間

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the job or art of performing in movies, plays or TV series

演技, アクティング

演技, アクティング

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first night

the opening night at which a play, movie, etc. is presented to the public

初夜, オープニングナイト

初夜, オープニングナイト

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a moment or pause in a scene where a character experiences a change in emotion or thought, often used to build tension, convey subtext, or advance the story

ビート, ポーズ

ビート, ポーズ

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the music composed for a movie

スコア, 映画の音楽

スコア, 映画の音楽

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opening night

the first night in which a play is publicly performed or a movie is presented for public view

初演, オープニングナイト

初演, オープニングナイト

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a story told through a series of moving pictures with sound, usually watched via television or in a cinema

映画, ムービー

映画, ムービー

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the events that are crucial to the formation and continuity of a story in a movie, play, novel, etc.

プロット, 筋

プロット, 筋

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a part of a movie, play or book in which the action happens in one place or is of one particular type

シーン, 場面

シーン, 場面

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a written text that a movie, show, or play is based on

脚本, スクリプト

脚本, スクリプト

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the events that have happened to a character before their story in a book, movie, etc. begins

バックストーリー, キャラクターの背景

バックストーリー, キャラクターの背景

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a short pause between parts of a play, movie, etc.

中断, 休憩

中断, 休憩

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the most significant moment in a story, play, movie, etc. with a high dramatic suspense

クライマックス, 最高潮

クライマックス, 最高潮

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the final part of a story, movie, etc.

結末, エンディング

結末, エンディング

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a short interval between parts of a play, movie, etc.

間奏, インタールード

間奏, インタールード

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a person who provides a spoken commentary for a TV show, movie, etc. whom the audience cannot see

ナレーター, 語り手

ナレーター, 語り手

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the beginning section of a movie, book, play, etc. that introduces the work



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the time and place in which the story of a movie, play, etc. is taking place

設定, 舞台

設定, 舞台

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a series of events in a novel, movie, etc. that is separate from the main story and is less important but is linked to it

サブプロット, 副次的なストーリー

サブプロット, 副次的なストーリー

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voice over

spoken descriptions given in a movie or a television show, etc. by a narrator that is not seen by the audience

ボイスオーバー, ナレーション

ボイスオーバー, ナレーション

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a short part of a movie or broadcast that is viewed separately

クリップ, 映像

クリップ, 映像

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an act of displaying a movie or TV show

上映, 表示

上映, 表示

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buddy film

a film in which two close friends go on an adventure together

バディ映画, 友情映画

バディ映画, 友情映画

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