
TOEFL のための基本語彙 - 経済










Essential Words Needed for TOEFL
to finance

to provide funds or an amount of money

資金を提供する, 資金調達する

資金を提供する, 資金調達する

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money or property owned by a person or company that is used for investment or starting a business

資本, キャピタル

資本, キャピタル

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the ability to buy something from a shop or receive money from a bank based on trust, without paying for it immediately

クレジット, 信用

クレジット, 信用

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an entry indicating an increase in assets or an expense, and a decrease in debts or income

デビット, 費用

デビット, 費用

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the amount of money spent to do or have something

費用, 出費

費用, 出費

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(of a payment, debt, etc.) scheduled or required to be paid immediately or at a specific time

支払期限の, 支払うべき

支払期限の, 支払うべき

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an amount of profit gained from an investment or business

利回り, 収益

利回り, 収益

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bank statement

a document given by a bank to an account holder, providing a summary of all financial transactions within a specified period

銀行明細書, 口座明細

銀行明細書, 口座明細

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the occasions or events like concert or performance that are arranged with the aim of generating funds for those who are in need

利益, チャリティイベント

利益, チャリティイベント

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to climb

to increase in terms of amount, value, intensity, etc.

増加する, 上昇する

増加する, 上昇する

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to crash

(economics) to lose value suddenly and significantly

崩壊する, 暴落する

崩壊する, 暴落する

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a sudden decrease in something's value, such as a price or stock

崩壊, 急落

崩壊, 急落

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debt relief

the act of remitting a person or organization's debts

債務救済, 債務軽減

債務救済, 債務軽減

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the money that is regularly earned from a job or through an investment

収入, 所得

収入, 所得

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the total income generated from business activities or other sources.

収益, 収入

収益, 収入

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a very large sum of money

財産, 大金

財産, 大金

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the money that is paid to a professional or an organization for their services

料金, 手数料

料金, 手数料

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to deposit

to put an amount of money or other item of value into a bank account

預ける, デポジットする

預ける, デポジットする

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to withdraw

to take money out of an account, fund, or financial institution

引き出す, 取り出す

引き出す, 取り出す

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to freeze

to legally prevent money, property, or a bank account from being used or sold

凍結する, ブロックする

凍結する, ブロックする

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to overdraw

to withdraw more money from a bank account than is available

オーバードラフトする, 利用可能額を超えて引き出す

オーバードラフトする, 利用可能額を超えて引き出す

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something that is voluntarily given to someone or an organization to help them, such as money, food, etc.

寄付, ドネーション

寄付, ドネーション

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the sum of money that is available to a person, an organization, etc. for a particular purpose and the plan according to which it will be spent

予算, 支出計画

予算, 支出計画

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(usually plural) a property or an item of value that a company owns and can sell to pay its debts

資産, アセット

資産, アセット

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having little or no financial resources

お金がない, 破産した

お金がない, 破産した

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a situation in which a person or business is unable to pay due debts

破産, 倒産

破産, 倒産

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fair trade

trading practices that do not put consumers at a disadvantage

フェアトレード, 公正取引

フェアトレード, 公正取引

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to transfer

to make a person or thing move from a place, situation, or person to another

転送する, 移動する

転送する, 移動する

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the practice of buying and selling goods

取引, 売買

取引, 売買

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the system in which money, goods, and services are produced or distributed within a country or region



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supply and demand

‌the relationship between the amount of goods or services that are available and the amount that people want to buy, especially when this controls prices

stock market

the business of trading and exchanging shares of different companies

株式市場, 証券市場

株式市場, 証券市場

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any of the equal portions of a company's stock that is available for public to buy and gain benefit

株式, シェア

株式, シェア

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a hard time in a country's economy characterized by a reduction in employment, production, and trade



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a list of goods or services received and their total cost

請求書, インボイス

請求書, インボイス

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the process or provision of financial aid for something such as a charity or cause, usually through holding special events

資金調達, ファンドレイジング

資金調達, ファンドレイジング

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free trade

a system of international trading in which there are no restrictions or taxes on goods bought or sold

自由貿易, フリートレード

自由貿易, フリートレード

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free market

an economic system that is not operated by the government rather by free competition and supply and demand

自由市場, 市場経済

自由市場, 市場経済

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a continuous reduction in something's amount, value, intensity, etc.

減少, 低下

減少, 低下

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(economics) an unprocessed material that can be traded in different exchanges or marketplaces

商品, コモディティ

商品, コモディティ

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