IELTS를 위한 어휘 (학문적) - 글로벌 이슈
여기에서는 IELTS 시험에 필요한 "빈곤", "쓰나미", "모금 행사" 등과 같은 글로벌 문제에 대한 영어 단어를 배웁니다.
the condition of lacking enough money or income to afford basic needs like food, clothing, etc.


the serious state in which one suffers from lack of food, and may result in death or disease

굶주림, 영양실조

a mass murder committed in order to destroy a particular nation, religious or ethnic group, or race

집단 학살

the fact that the cultures and economic systems around the world are becoming connected and similar as a result of improvement in communications and development of multinational corporations


a severe economic state that is marked by high rates of inflation, unemployment or depression

경제 위기, 경제적 위기

a very high wave or series of waves caused by an undersea earthquake or volcanic eruption


a hard time in a country's economy characterized by a reduction in employment, production, and trade

경기 침체

the practice of treating a person or different categories of people less fairly than others


a person who is forced to leave their own country because of war, natural disaster, etc.

난민, 여성 난민

a social event held with the intention of raising money for a charity or political party

모금 행사, 자선 행사

to offer to do something without being forced or without payment

자원봉사를 하다, 자발적으로 제안하다

a community of living organisms together with their physical environment, interacting as a system


a permanent change in global or regional climate patterns, including temperature, wind, and rainfall

기후 변화

the increase in the average temperature of the Earth as a result of the greenhouse effect

지구 온난화, 평균 기온 상승

to cause something to remain in its original state without any significant change

보존하다, 유지하다

a workplace, particularly one in which people produce clothing items, with poor conditions where workers are paid very low wages

착취 공장, 스웨트숍