
행동과 접근법 - 반응 및 대응

"with open arm" 및 "go off on a tangent"와 같은 영어 관용어가 영어의 반응 및 응답과 어떻게 관련되어 있는지 알아보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Behavior & Approach
cut it out

used to tell someone to stop annoying one with their action or behavior

그만해 제발

그만해 제발

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more power to one's elbow

used to express support, encouragement, or admiration for someone's efforts



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enough said

used to say that there is no need for one to say more or offer more details

그게 내가 말해야 했던 전부야

그게 내가 말해야 했던 전부야

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for Christ's sake

used when one is angry, frustrated, or surprised by something

신을 위해서

신을 위해서

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perish the thought

used to show strong disagreement

나는 전혀 동의하지 않는다

나는 전혀 동의하지 않는다

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slow off the mark

slow to start or react to a situation, often leading to a disadvantage or delay in progress

사물에 반응하는 속도가 매우 느린 사람

사물에 반응하는 속도가 매우 느린 사람

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to not turn a hair

to stay calm regardless of the situation one is in or things that happened

누군가가 뭔가에 관심이 없을 때

누군가가 뭔가에 관심이 없을 때

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to not bat an eye

to show no sign of worry or surprise when something unexpected occurs

도전이나 위험에 직면했을 때 침착함

도전이나 위험에 직면했을 때 침착함

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to turn the other cheek

to respond to an offense with patience, forgiveness, and a peaceful attitude instead of retaliating or seeking revenge

긴장된 상황에서 인내심을 갖는다

긴장된 상황에서 인내심을 갖는다

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to take sth in good part

to refrain from becoming upset about or offended by something

to give sb the runaround

to deny someone a definite answer to something or refuse to offer them help

고의로 누군가를 혼란스럽게 하는 것

고의로 누군가를 혼란스럽게 하는 것

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with open arms

in a way that shows willingness to accept new ideas or welcome people

새로운 아이디어를 기꺼이 받아들이는 것

새로운 아이디어를 기꺼이 받아들이는 것

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to go off on a tangent

to begin talking about a subject that is not in any way related to the original topic that is being discussed

LanGeek 앱 다운로드