행동과 접근법 - 반응 및 대응
"with open arm" 및 "go off on a tangent"와 같은 영어 관용어가 영어의 반응 및 응답과 어떻게 관련되어 있는지 알아보세요.
more power to one's elbow
used to express support, encouragement, or admiration for someone's efforts
enough said
used to say that there is no need for one to say more or offer more details

충분히 말했다., 더 말할 필요 없다.

for Christ's sake
used when one is angry, frustrated, or surprised by something

그리스도를 위하여, 신을 위하여

slow off the mark
slow to start or react to a situation, often leading to a disadvantage or delay in progress
to turn the other cheek
to respond to an offense with patience, forgiveness, and a peaceful attitude instead of retaliating or seeking revenge
to give somebody the runaround
to deny someone a definite answer to something or refuse to offer them help

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