행동과 접근법 - 가혹하고 엄격한 대우
"iron Fist" 및 "drive a hard deal"과 같은 예를 통해 가혹하고 엄격한 처우에 관한 영어 관용구를 살펴보세요.
to deprive people of their most basic means of living, particularly via unfair mathods
누군가의 재정 상태에 부정적인 영향을 미치다
to make a difficult or painful situation even worse for someone
뭔가를 더 나쁘게 만들고 있어
to be tough and smart in negotiations, insisting on favorable terms to achieve a favorable outcome for oneself
거래할 때 똑똑해지세요
to purposefully make someone suffer more than they already do
누군가의 고통이나 괴로움을 악화시키는 것
the use of excessive force, control, or authority in a way that can be harsh or oppressive
엄격한 행동
a person who appears gentle and kind on the outside, but they are firm, resolute, and even ruthless in their actions
친절하지만 엄격한 사람
to stop someone from acting freely, creatively, comfortably, or in their usual way
스타일을 쥐어짜다