Verhalten und Ansatz - Harte und strenge Behandlung
Entdecken Sie englische Redewendungen bezüglich harter und strenger Behandlung anhand von Beispielen wie „Iron Fist“ und „Drive a Hard Deal“.
to take the bread out of one's mouth
to deprive people of their most basic means of living, particularly via unfair mathods
to drive a hard bargain
to be tough and smart in negotiations, insisting on favorable terms to achieve a favorable outcome for oneself
iron fist
an attitude or approach that is cruel, and often unrestricted

eiserne Faust, eiserne Hand

to twist the knife (in the wound)
to purposefully make someone suffer more than they already do
heavy hand
the use of excessive force, control, or authority in a way that can be harsh or oppressive

schwere Hand, harte Hand

iron hand in a velvet glove
a person who appears gentle and kind on the outside, but they are firm, resolute, and even ruthless in their actions

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