Media en Communicatie - Krant en tijdschrift
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met kranten en tijdschriften, zoals 'feature', 'column' en 'gazette'.
a lengthy article in a newspaper or magazine, often written by a specialist about a certain topic
![kenmerkend artikel, speciale reportage](
kenmerkend artikel, speciale reportage
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a section of a newspaper or magazine that regularly publishes articles about a particular subject
![column, rubriek](
column, rubriek
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a section or part in a newspaper in which people are given advice regarding their personal problems
![adviesrubriek, adviescolumn](
adviesrubriek, adviescolumn
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a segment in a newspaper assigned to stories about the lives of the celebrities
![roddelkolom, roddelrubriek](
roddelkolom, roddelrubriek
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a segment in a newspaper or magazine devoted to personal messages or advertisements
![persoonlijke kolom, persoonlijke rubriek](
persoonlijke kolom, persoonlijke rubriek
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a newspaper report, usually sent from another town or a foreign country, often on a military-related matter
![rapport, dispatch](
rapport, dispatch
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a newspaper article expressing the views of the editor on a particular subject
![editoriaal, redactioneel artikel](
editoriaal, redactioneel artikel
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a forecast of an individual's future based on their zodiac sign or date of birth, especially as published in a newspaper or magazine
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a piece published in a newspaper or magazine that describes a movie, or a TV show before it is aired
![voorvertoning, preview](
voorvertoning, preview
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a type of periodical publication that features critical essays or evaluations of contemporary literature, art, or current events
![tijdschrift, recensie](
tijdschrift, recensie
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an article published in a newspaper or magazine that praises a movie, book, etc.
![roemruchte recensie, enthousiaste beoordeling](
roemruchte recensie, enthousiaste beoordeling
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a brief piece in a newspaper printed next to the main article, providing additional information
![sidebar, zijartikel](
sidebar, zijartikel
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a time, usually in summer, when newspapers are filled with insignificant stories because there are not that many important news
![onzinnige verhalen seizoen, silly season](
onzinnige verhalen seizoen, silly season
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the most recent and important news that is added to a newspaper at the last moment before printing or after the start of the printing process, especially as a heading
![breaking news, laatste nieuws](
breaking news, laatste nieuws
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a newspaper that is published on a large piece of paper regarded as more serious
![broadsheet, grote krant](
broadsheet, grote krant
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a humorous drawing on the topics that are covered in the news, usually published in a newspaper or magazine
![caricatuur, humoristische tekening](
caricatuur, humoristische tekening
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the middle pages of a magazine or newspaper that face each other
![middenpagina, centraal verspreidingsgebied](
middenpagina, centraal verspreidingsgebied
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the number of copies of a newspaper or magazine sold at regular intervals
![oplage, circulatie](
oplage, circulatie
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a story or article cut from a newspaper or magazine to be kept
![knipsel, uitknip](
knipsel, uitknip
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a unit of measurement used in print media to determine the amount of space occupied by an article, advertisement, or other content within a column of a newspaper or magazine
![kolom inch, eenheid van maat voor kolom](
kolom inch, eenheid van maat voor kolom
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a type of newspaper that is published everyday except Sunday
![dagblad, dagelijkse krant](
dagblad, dagelijkse krant
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a publication, such as a newspaper or magazine, that is released once a week
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something that occurs or is published every two weeks, typically referring to a publication, such as a newspaper or magazine, that is issued or updated once every two weeks
![tweewekelijks, omit](
tweewekelijks, omit
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the total number of copies of a newspaper, book, etc. that is published at one time
![uitgave, oplage](
uitgave, oplage
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a type of newspaper that is published after midday
![avondkrant, middagkrant](
avondkrant, middagkrant
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the first and main page of a newspaper in which important news pieces are printed
![voorpagina, de eerste pagina](
voorpagina, de eerste pagina
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an official journal or newspaper that contains serious information about decision making and policies, published by an organization
![blad, officiale krant](
blad, officiale krant
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the large words in the upper part of a page of a newspaper, article, etc.
![kop, koptekst](
kop, koptekst
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the title of a magazine or newspaper at the top of the first page
![kop, titel](
kop, titel
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an article or report, especially in a newspaper, published soon after the death of a person, typically containing details about their life
![overlijdensbericht, herinneringsbericht](
overlijdensbericht, herinneringsbericht
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an article that has been separately published as a piece in a magazine or newspaper
![afdruk, oplage](
afdruk, oplage
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a section in the newspaper that contains personal opinions about the news and feature articles, opposite the editorial page
![opinieartikel, column](
opinieartikel, column
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a newspaper, periodical, or magazine published by a particular group or organization to promote their views
![orgaan, officiële publicatie](
orgaan, officiële publicatie
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the written content or text that is prepared for publication, such as articles, headlines, advertisements, or any textual material that appears in newspapers, magazines, brochures, or other printed materials
![tekst, inhoud](
tekst, inhoud
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a part of a magazine, newspaper, etc. that can be taken out easily and kept separately
a newspaper or magazine that mostly contains stories about the bad behavior and private lives of the celebrities
![sensatieblad, roddelblad](
sensatieblad, roddelblad
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a separate section, usually in the form of a colored magazine, sold with a newspaper
![bijlage, aanvullende tijdschrift](
bijlage, aanvullende tijdschrift
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a newspaper with smaller pages and many pictures, covering stories about famous people and not much serious news
![tabloid, sensatiekrant](
tabloid, sensatiekrant
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a printed work, such as a book, magazine, etc. that is publicly distributed
![publicatie, druk](
publicatie, druk
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a publication focused on classified advertisements, enabling individuals and businesses to promote products, services, or job opportunities in categorized sections
![geclasificeerde tijdschrift, advertentietijdschrift](
geclasificeerde tijdschrift, advertentietijdschrift
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a print publication that delivers news and information specific to a particular community or region, serving as a primary source of local news for residents
![lokale krant, plaatselijke krant](
lokale krant, plaatselijke krant
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an affordable, uncoated paper with a rough texture, commonly used for printing newspapers due to its lightweight and absorbent properties
![krantenpapier, drukpapier](
krantenpapier, drukpapier
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a line that gives the writer's name, usually at the beginning or end of a column
![auteursnaam, byline](
auteursnaam, byline
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a magazine or newspaper that gives information about a specific topic
![tijdschrift, magazine](
tijdschrift, magazine
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a newspaper or magazine that enables individuals to regularly receive and access the publication's content
![abonnement, ledenregistratie](
abonnement, ledenregistratie
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the distribution of articles, columns, comics, or other content to multiple newspapers or publications for publication, allowing wider readership and exposure to the content across various outlets
![syndicatie, distributie](
syndicatie, distributie
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an enthusiastic article published in a magazine or newspaper about a particular film, book, etc.
![enthousiast artikel, lofia](
enthousiast artikel, lofia
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a written account in a newspaper to review a book, performance, or event
![recensie, artikel](
recensie, artikel
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