
Truyền Thông và Giao Tiếp - Báo và tạp chí

Tại đây bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh liên quan đến báo và tạp chí như “feature”, “column” và “gazette”.


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Words Related to Media and Communication

a lengthy article in a newspaper or magazine, often written by a specialist about a certain topic

đặc sắc

đặc sắc

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a section of a newspaper or magazine that regularly publishes articles about a particular subject

cây cột

cây cột

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advice column

a section or part in a newspaper in which people are given advice regarding their personal problems

chuyên mục tư vấn (báo, tạp chí, v.v.)

chuyên mục tư vấn (báo, tạp chí, v.v.)

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gossip column

a segment in a newspaper assigned to stories about the lives of the celebrities

cột tin đồn

cột tin đồn

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personal column

a segment in a newspaper or magazine devoted to personal messages or advertizements

chuyên mục cá nhân

chuyên mục cá nhân

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a newspaper report, usually sent from another town or a foreign country, often on a military-related matter

chổ gởi hàng

chổ gởi hàng

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a newspaper article expressing the views of the editor on a particular subject

biên tập

biên tập

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a forecast of an individual's future based on their zodiac sign or date of birth, especially as published in a newspaper or magazine

lá số tử vi

lá số tử vi

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a piece published in a newspaper or magazine that describes a movie, or a TV show before it is aired

xem trước

xem trước

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a type of periodical publication that features critical essays or evaluations of contemporary literature, art, or current events

cuộc duyệt lại

cuộc duyệt lại

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rave review

an article published in a newspaper or magazine that praises a movie, book, etc.

đánh giá tích cực

đánh giá tích cực

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a brief piece in a newspaper printed next to the main article, providing additional information

thanh bên báo

thanh bên báo

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silly season

a time, usually in summer, when newspapers are filled with insignificant stories because there are not that many important news

mùa ngớ ngẩn

mùa ngớ ngẩn

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newspapers, journalists, and magazines as a whole

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stop press

the most recent and important news that is added to a newspaper at the last moment before printing or after the start of the printing process, especially as a heading

dừng nhấn

dừng nhấn

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a newspaper that is published on a large piece of paper regarded as more serious

bảng tính rộng

bảng tính rộng

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a humorous drawing on the topics that are covered in the news, usually published in a newspaper or magazine

bức họa vẻ trên cạt tông

bức họa vẻ trên cạt tông

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center spread

the middle pages of a magazine or newspaper that face each other

trung tâm lây lan

trung tâm lây lan

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the number of copies of a newspaper or magazine sold at regular intervals

lưu thông (sách, v.v.)

lưu thông (sách, v.v.)

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a story or article cut from a newspaper or magazine to be kept

cắt xén (báo hoặc tạp chí)

cắt xén (báo hoặc tạp chí)

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column inch

a unit of measurement used in print media to determine the amount of space occupied by an article, advertisement, or other content within a column of a newspaper or magazine

cột inch

cột inch

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a type of newspaper that is published everyday except Sunday



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a newspaper or periodical that is published once a week

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something that occurs or is published every two weeks, typically referring to a publication, such as a newspaper or magazine, that is issued or updated once every two weeks

khoảng mười lăm ngày

khoảng mười lăm ngày

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the total number of copies of a newspaper, book, etc. that is published at one time

hình thức tác phẩm

hình thức tác phẩm

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evening paper

a type of newspaper that is published after midday

báo chiều

báo chiều

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front page

the first and main page of a newspaper in which important news pieces are printed

trang nhất của tờ báo

trang nhất của tờ báo

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an official journal or newspaper that contains serious information about decision making and policies, published by an organization

tạp chí chính thức

tạp chí chính thức

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the large words in the upper part of a page of a newspaper, article, etc.

bảng tin tức tóm tắt

bảng tin tức tóm tắt

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the title of a magazine or newspaper at the top of the first page

tiêu đề của một tờ báo hoặc tạp chí

tiêu đề của một tờ báo hoặc tạp chí

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an article or report, especially in a newspaper, published soon after the death of a person, typically containing details about their life

ai tín

ai tín

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an article that has been separately published as a piece in a magazine or newspaper

dấu vết

dấu vết

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a section in the newspaper that contains personal opinions about the news and feature articles, opposite the editorial page

phần bình luận của báo

phần bình luận của báo

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a newspaper, periodical, or magazine published by a particular group or organization to promote their views

tờ báo được xuất bản bởi một nhóm cụ thể

tờ báo được xuất bản bởi một nhóm cụ thể

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the written content or text that is prepared for publication, such as articles, headlines, advertisements, or any textual material that appears in newspapers, magazines, brochures, or other printed materials



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a part of a magazine, newspaper, etc. that can be taken out easily and kept separately

sự ra khỏi nhà ga

sự ra khỏi nhà ga

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scandal sheet

a newspaper or magazine that mostly contains stories about the bad behavior and private lives of the celebrities

tờ bê bối

tờ bê bối

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a separate section, usually in the form of a colored magazine, sold with a newspaper

văn bản đính kèm

văn bản đính kèm

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a newspaper with smaller pages and many pictures, covering stories about famous people and not much serious news

báo lá cải (dạng báo)

báo lá cải (dạng báo)

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a printed work, such as a book, magazine, etc. that is publicly distributed

báo xuất bản

báo xuất bản

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classified magazine

a publication focused on classified advertisements, enabling individuals and businesses to promote products, services, or job opportunities in categorized sections

tạp chí rao vặt

tạp chí rao vặt

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local newspaper

a print publication that delivers news and information specific to a particular community or region, serving as a primary source of local news for residents

báo địa phương

báo địa phương

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an affordable, uncoated paper with a rough texture, commonly used for printing newspapers due to its lightweight and absorbent properties

giấy in báo

giấy in báo

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a line that gives the writer's name, usually at the beginning or end of a column

dòng có nhắc đến tên tác giả

dòng có nhắc đến tên tác giả

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a magazine or newspaper that gives information about a specific topic

báo hằng ngày

báo hằng ngày

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a newspaper or magazine enables individuals to regularly receive and access the publication's content

sự ký tên

sự ký tên

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the distribution of articles, columns, comics, or other content to multiple newspapers or publications for publication, allowing wider readership and exposure to the content across various outlets

nghiệp đoàn

nghiệp đoàn

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an enthusiastic article published in a magazine or newspaper about a particular film, book, etc.

bài viết đầy cảm hứng

bài viết đầy cảm hứng

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a written account in a newspaper to review a book, performance, or event

hãy viết ra giấy

hãy viết ra giấy

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back issue

an earlier copy of a magazine or a newspaper

báo hoặc tạp chí cũ

báo hoặc tạp chí cũ

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