Gezondheid en Ziekte - Algemene zelfstandige naamwoorden met betrekking tot gezondheid en ziekte
Hier leert u enkele algemene Engelse zelfstandige naamwoorden die verband houden met gezondheid en ziekte, zoals 'conditie', 'epidemie' en 'drager'.
an illness in a human, animal, or plant that affects health

ziekte, kwaal

the act in which a disease-causing organism, such as a virus or parasite, causes a particular illness

infectie, besmetting

a disease or a medical condition that prevents a part of the body or mind from functioning normally

stoornis, wanorde

a typically minor health issue or condition for which one seeks medical assistance

gezondheidsklacht, kwaal

a medical problem, such as a disorder, illness, etc.

toestand, aandoening

the rapid spread of an infectious disease within a specific population, community, or region, affecting a significant number of individuals at the same time

epidemie, uitbraak

any disease or virus that can be easily passed from one person to another

besmetting, infectie

a state of pain or suffering due to a physical or mental condition

kwelling, lijden

a fairly mild yet infectious illness that is caused by a virus or bacteria

virus, bacterie

a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by stress, overwork, or a lack of balance between work and personal life

burn-out, uitputting

a mild state of being unwell, often leading to a temporary inability to perform one's usual activities

onwelzijn, kwalen

the state of being weak and unhealthy, especially due to old age or sickness

gebrek, zwakheid

a state of severe mental disorder affecting a person's ability to understand reality, think rationally, or behave in a socially acceptable manner

waanzin, geestesziekte

a bodily system or organ's failure to function in an effective or typical manner

onvoldoendeheid, gebrek

a feeling of being physically ill and irritated without knowing the reason

malais, ongemak

conditions affecting how a person thinks, feels, behaves, or their mood, often needing medical or therapeutic help

psychische aandoening, mentale aandoening

a disease that spreads across a large region or even across the world

pandemie, epidemie

a set of characteristics, behaviors, or qualities commonly observed in a specific situation or group of individuals


a swollen area under the skin, usually caused by a sickness or injury

bult, zwelling

damage inflicted on the body as a result of an external force or event

trauma, verwonding

any physical damage to a part of the body caused by an accident or attack

verwonding, beschadiging

the state of being physically or mentally unable to do one's work or to manage one's affairs


a short period during which someone is suffering from an illness

aanval, periode

a person or animal that carries a disease, without suffering from it themselves, and transmits to other people or animals

drager, vector

the outbreak of a contagious illness among the people of a particular region where the source of the infection is not easily traceable

gemeenschapsverspreiding, verspreiding binnen de gemeenschap

a harmful state in which the body has lost a lot of water


any physical problem that might put one's health in danger

ziekte, kwaal

the feeling of discomfort in the stomach, often with the urge to vomit

misselijkheid, gevoel van misselijkheid

the condition of having an unhealthy pale appearance as a result of illness, emotional distress, etc.

bleekheid, vale

the first person known to have a certain disease, often seen as the starting point of an outbreak

patiënt nul, eerste geval

a sudden, severe, and often brief appearance of a health problem that is hard to control

aanval, aanval

a state of extreme thinness and weakness, often due to illness, starvation, etc.

emaciatie, extreme dunheid

a state of deep unconsciousness, typically of a long duration and caused by a serious injury or severe illness

coma, diepe bewusteloosheid

someone who spreads a contagious disease to a very large number of people

superspreider, superverspreider

a change in the normal condition of the body of a person, which is the sign of a disease


the state of not being awake or aware of one's surroundings

onbewustzijn, verlies van bewustzijn

a condition in which individuals do not receive enough nutrients and calories, leading to various health problems such as stunted growth

ondervoeding, voedingsgebrek

a health problem that disrupts normal functioning and often causes discomfort

maagklachten, ongemak

an area with a high number of infected people where strict public health rules are applied to control the spread of infection

rood gebied, hoogrisicozone

the return of symptoms or a condition after a period of improvement or recovery

terugval, recidief

a sudden and unexpected start or return of a medical problem

aanval, spasme

involuntary, short movements in one or more parts of one's body in response to cold, fear, or excitement

trilling, beweging

the act of blowing air out of your nose and mouth in a forceful way

nies, niesen

a growth with abnormal features that appears in the body and contains fluid

cyste, cysten

physical weakness that is caused by a disease or aging

zwakte, afzwakking