Abilități Lexicale pentru SAT 1 - Lecția 3
Fișe de studiu
not caring about the possible results of one's actions that could be dangerous

necugetat, iresponsabil

someone who writes plays for the TV, radio, or theater

dramaturg, autor de piese de teatru

to overstate or exaggerate the significance of something, often for emphasis or effect

dramatiza, exagera

made with the intention of causing fire

incendiar, făcut cu intenția de a provoca foc

something that is used as an encouraging and motivating factor

incentiv, stimulent

exactly as spoken or written originally without any changes or additions

literal, exact

the unnecessary use of terms and words to express something and causing complexion

vorbărie emptică, cuvinte inutile

the quality of containing unnecessary and excessive words or terms in speech or writing

vorbire excesivă, detalii inutile

the female head of an abbey, convent, or other religious houses of nuns

abatesă, superioară

a church with buildings connected to it in which a group of monks or nuns live or used to live


the male spiritual leader and administrator of an abbey, monastery, or group of monasteries

abat, superior

a condition of the muscles, in which a person experiences tremors all over their body or in specific body parts

paralizie, palsy

a solo section at the end of a musical piece for the performer to show their skill and creativity

cadență, parte solo