Cartea Insight - Intermediar - Unitatea 5 - 5D
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Unitatea 5 - 5D din manualul de curs Insight Intermediate, precum „obligatoriu”, „descurajează”, „restrictiv”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
imposing limitations or boundaries that can hinder freedom or action

restrictiv, limitat

a command or instruction given by someone in a position of authority

comandă, instrucțiune

to agree with the truth of something, particularly in an unwilling manner

a admite, a recunoaște

to officially state the punishment of someone found guilty in a court of law

a condamna, a pronunța o sentință

to take something from an organization, place, etc. without their consent, or with force

jefui, fura

to consider all the known facts and details before making a final decision
(of a person) having an obligation to do something or to take care of someone or something as part of one's job or role


to say or feel that someone or something is responsible for a mistake or problem

a învinovăți, a critica

to cause someone suffering for breaking the law or having done something they should not have

pune pedeapsă, sancționa

to formally forbid something from being done, particularly by law

a interzice, a prohibi

to let someone leave a place in which they have been confined or stuck

elibera, lăsa să plece