Verbe de Acțiune Verbală - Verbe pentru comunicare negativă
Aici veți învăța câteva verbe în limba engleză care se referă la comunicare negativă, cum ar fi „offend”, „brag” și „gosip”.
Fișe de studiu
to intentionally say or do something that disrespects or humiliates someone

a insult, a jigni

to treat someone disrespectfully by showing a lack of attention or consideration

neglija, subestima

to use offensive or vulgar language in order to express strong emotions

a înjura, a blestema

to talk with excessive pride about one's achievements, abilities, etc. in order to draw the attention of others

a se lăuda, a se mândri

to talk with excessive pride about one's achievements, possessions, etc. often in exaggerated manner

a se lăuda, a se făli

to loudly brag and exaggerate, trying to impress or intimidate others

a se lăuda, a se lăuda zgomotos

to describe something better, larger, worse, etc. than it truly is

exagera, supraevaluare

to exaggerate something for emphasis or to achieve a specific effect

hiperboliza, exagera

to make something seem better than it really is by exaggerating its positive qualities

a suprasolicita, a exagera

to describe something in a way that makes it seem more important or extreme than it really is

a exagera, a supraestima

to make something seem more important or noticeable by highlighting it

a sublinia, a evidenția

to talk about the private lives of others with someone, often sharing secrets or spreading untrue information

a bârfi, a povesti

to uncover and share information about any wrongdoing, corruption, etc. involving an important or famous person or business

dezlona, expune