Vardagsliv - Kommunikation
Utforska engelska idiom som relaterar till kommunikation, inklusive "på linjen" och "tappa kontakten".
to be in contact with someone, particularly by seeing or writing to them regularly
vara i kontakt med någon
to manage to meet someone in person or contact them on a telephone, through message, etc.
etablera kommunikation med någon
to contact a person with a brief message, phone call, or letter
kontakta någon
used for saying that someone is waiting or talking on a telephone
på telefonlinjen
waiting on the phone until the receiver speaks
när någon väntar medan han pratar i telefon
said in a radio communication to indicate that the conversation is over
det sägs innan ett samtal avslutas
to unexpectedly encounter or meet someone or something, often with significant consequences
to provide someone with the contact information of another person such as their phone number, E-mail, or address
ge sin kontaktinformation till någon
to have not seen or heard about a person or thing for a considerable amount of time
att vara oinformerad om någon eller något
to be no longer in contact with a friend or acquaintance
när du inte längre är i kontakt med någon
to not form a friendly relationship with a person or avoid getting involved with something
inte bli för intim med någon
to fail to recognize someone as one has never met them or knows nothing about them
att inte känna igen någon
to make contact with someone in order to exchange information or to consult with them
etablera kommunikation med någon
a situation where two people or groups cross paths briefly and then continue on their separate ways without any meaningful interaction or connection
när två personer går förbi varandra