GRE için Gerekli Kelime Bilgisi - Müzik Dünyası
Burada GRE sınavı için gerekli olan "akustik", "düet", "ölçü" vb. müzikle ilgili bazı İngilizce kelimeleri öğreneceksiniz.
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Flash kartlar
the art or the act of writing pieces of music, poetry, etc.
yaratma, yazma, tasarım, besteleme
(of a musical instrument) making a sound that is natural, not amplified
having blended sounds or tones that combine in a pleasing way
armoniye ait
relating to the type of music that emphasizes on tone and atmosphere rather than traditional structure
ambient müzik
innovative, experimental, or unconventional in style or approach, especially in the arts
(of a musical band) not associated with major labels or companies
bağımsız yapım ile ilgili
a musical piece written for one singer or instrument
bir ses ya da çalgı için yazılmış müzik parçası
a male singing voice that is classified between bass and tenor, characterized by a lower and richer tone
one of the main parts that a long musical work is divided into, having its own structure
any of the short sections consisting of musical beats located between two consecutive lines
ölçü, ölçü müziği
an arrangement of a series of musical notes with specified intervals, in ascending or descending pitch order
an additional or repeated piece that is performed at the end of a concert, because the audience has asked for it
istek parça
an unusual combination of musical notes that sound strange when played
a combination of notes or chords that sounds harsh or unstable
any of the signs written on the left-hand end of a staff indicating the pitch of the notes
nota anahtarı
a musical composition that is written for one or more solo instruments and accompanied by an orchestra with three movements
a musical piece or collection that is written by a famous composer followed by the date in which it was created
all of the records or a list of the records that have been created by a particular singer, composer or musical band
something such as a book, record, etc. that consists of different pieces taken from several sources
an instrumental composition that is usually short and is intended for practice or demonstration of a skill
a narrow flat part on the neck of a string instrument where the fingers press the strings to play various notes
telli çalgılarda sap
to be the star performer in a concert or performance
asıl sanatçının yerine şarkı söylemek
to create and perform words of a play, music, etc. on impulse and without preparation, particularly because one is forced to do so
doğaçlama yapmak
based on a scale in which the interval between the third and the fourth notes and the seventh and the eighth notes is a half step
based on a scale in which the interval between the second and the third notes, the fifth and the sixth notes and the seventh and eighth notes is a half step
the degree of highness or lowness of a tone that is determined by the frequency of waves producing it
alçalma yükselme açısı
the interval between the first and the last notes in eight diatonic degrees
to play a string instrument, such as a guitar, using the fingers or a plectrum
parmakla çalmak (müzik aleti)
describing sound transmission, recording or reproduction that is transferred through a single channel
monofonik, tek kanallı
a repeated line or phrase in a poem or song, typically at the end of each stanza or verse