Davranış ve Yaklaşım - Saldırgan Davranış
"Kemiğe yakın" ve "pislik yemek" gibi saldırgan davranışlarla ilgili İngilizce deyimleri keşfedin.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
to receive insults or bad treatment, especially without ever complaining

hakarete uğramak
to consider a person or thing unimportant and undeserving of respect

hor görmek, küçümsemek
(of jokes or remarks) close to the limits of what people can tolerate or find acceptable, particularly if it is offensive or sexually suggestive

bel altı
to speak in a manner that is rude or sexually offensive

sayıp sövmek, küfür etmek
to talk to a person in a way that is rude and shows no respect for them

kaba davranmak, saygısızlık etmek
resonating deeply with someone's personal experiences, feelings, or beliefs

hassas noktasına dokunmak
to express contempt or disrespect to a person by showing one's naked backside to them

kıçını açıp göstermek
to raise one's middle finger and point it toward a person to show one is angry with them, hates, or disrespects them

orta parmağını göstermek
to talk about someone without giving them any respect

gerekli saygıyı göstermemek
(of a joke, story, remark, etc.) dealing with sensitive or controversial topics that can be uncomfortable or unsettling to hear

iğneli (söz)