
Comportament și Abordare - Comportament jignitor

Explorați idiomuri englezești care se referă la comportamentul ofensator, inclusiv „aproape de os” și „mănâncă murdărie”.




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English idioms related to Behavior & Approach
to eat dirt

to receive insults or bad treatment, especially without ever complaining

devenind ridiculizat sau jignit

devenind ridiculizat sau jignit

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to look down one's nose at sb/sth

to consider a person or thing unimportant and undeserving of respect

near the knuckle

(of jokes or remarks) close to the limits of what people can tolerate or find acceptable, particularly if it is offensive or sexually suggestive

glume sau remarci jignitoare

glume sau remarci jignitoare

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to air one's lungs

to speak in a manner that is rude or sexually offensive

vorbind ofensator

vorbind ofensator

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to give sb some lip

to talk to a person in a way that is rude and shows no respect for them

vorbind într-un mod nepoliticos

vorbind într-un mod nepoliticos

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close to home

resonating deeply with someone's personal experiences, feelings, or beliefs

reamintirea unui eveniment semnificativ din punct de vedere emoțional

reamintirea unui eveniment semnificativ din punct de vedere emoțional

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to hang a BA

to express contempt or disrespect to a person by showing one's naked backside to them

arătându-ți fesele goale cuiva

arătându-ți fesele goale cuiva

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to give sb the finger

to raise one's middle finger and point it toward a person to show one is angry with them, hates, or disrespects them

arătându-şi cuiva degetul mijlociu

arătându-şi cuiva degetul mijlociu

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to have a nerve

to have an attitude that is inappropriate, rude, or too bold

fiind foarte nepoliticos sau îndrăzneț

fiind foarte nepoliticos sau îndrăzneț

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to take one's name in vain

to talk about someone without giving them any respect

lipsa de respect pe cineva

lipsa de respect pe cineva

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close to the bone

(of a joke, story, remark, etc.) dealing with sensitive or controversial topics that can be uncomfortable or unsettling to hear

no-go area

a very private or offensive subject that should not be discussed

subiect foarte ofensator

subiect foarte ofensator

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to give sb the bird

to laugh or shout insults at someone

huiduind pe cineva

huiduind pe cineva

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