Поводження та Підхід - Розмовні відповіді
Зануртеся в англійські ідіоми, які є розмовними відповідями, як-от «ви можете сказати це ще раз» і «для плачу вголос».
used to express one's complete agreement with someone's statement
used to angrily state that despite one's disagreement with what someone has said, one will not argue about it
used to say goodbye to a person when one expects to see them again
used when giving someone the confirmation that they can do, take, or use something
used to show one's anger, surprise, or frustration
господи!, чорт візьми!
said to someone who is annoyingly quiet when they are expected to speak
used to show that one does not believe or accept something that was said or suggested
У свинячому оці!, Ніколи в житті!
used when greeting someone after a long time has passed since one's last encounter with them
Давно не бачились!, Скільки ж часу минуло!
used to refer to dogs, emphasizing their loyalty and companionship with humans
used to show that one agrees with someone's suggestion or statement
to show that one believes that someone is joking or lying
used to show that one does not accept nor agree with someone's statement or opinion
за ким це сказано?, хто так сказав?
used to express one's complete disbelief about something that another person has just said
used to show that one is angry, annoyed, or astonished
Дайте ж, будь ласка!
used to express disagreement with an idea, statement, or opinion as unimportant, silly, or not worth serious consideration
Фігня, це всього лише стара казка без жодних підстав.