Список Слів Рівня B2 - Міські структури
Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова про міські структури, такі як «занедбаний», «класичний», «зовнішній» тощо, підготовлені для тих, хто вивчає B2.
(of a building, car, etc.) left and not needed or used anymore
покинутий, забутий
related to the language, literature, art, or culture of ancient Rome and Greece
класичний, античний
related to the manufacturing or production of goods on a large scale
промисловий, промислова
(of buildings or rooms) having few or no internal walls, creating a large, open space
відкритого планування, без внутрішніх стін
(of a room, house, etc.) large with a lot of space inside
просторий, широкий
a vertical structural element, often made of stone, that supports the weight of the building above it
a hard material used for building structures, made by mixing cement, water, sand, and small stones
бетон, конкретний
a piece of land that new buildings are being built or are planned to be built, often with the purpose of urban expansion or improvement
розробка, будівництво
a narrow hallway that provides access to rooms inside a building or between other buildings
коридор, прохід
a part of a road through which vehicles can move on to another
вихід, виїзд
a small simple house or shelter that usually has only one room
хатина, павільйон
to build something once again, after it has been destroyed or severely damaged
відбудувати, перебудувати
(plural) the remains of something such as a building after it has been seriously damaged or destroyed
руїни, рештки
the raised edge at the side of a street, usually made of stone
бордюр, крайка
a piece of land under which waste material is buried
сміттєзвалище, недогар
a system of underground pipes and tunnels used to carry away used water and waste matter from houses, factories, etc.
каналізація, система каналізації
a structure or a place that is historically important
орієнтир, історична пам'ятка
a structure built in honor of a public figure or a special event
a place or a building is designed and equipped for a specific function, such as healthcare, education, etc.
заклад, установа
a building containing judicial courts, offices of judges, etc.
суд, судова будівля
a place or party at which people dance to music
дискотека, танцювальна вечірка
a private institute where old people live and are taken care of
будинок престарілих, пансіонат для людей похилого віку
a small building, often in a village, that is used as a school
школа, шкільний будинок
anything that is built from several parts, such as a house, bridge, etc.
структура, будівля
a place where dead bodies are prepared in order to be buried or burned
похоронний дім, ритуальна служба
a piece of land where dead people are buried, often situated near a church
кладовище, некрополь
an overground or underground grave that is large in size and is often made of stone
гробниця, усипальниця