
Màu Sắc và Hình Dạng - Đường thẳng, góc và đường cong

Đọc bài học này để tìm hiểu tên của một số đường thẳng, góc và đường cong trong tiếng Anh, chẳng hạn như "tia", "góc nhọn" và "cung".


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Bắt đầu học
Words Related to Colors and Shapes

an imaginary line in the middle of an object around which the object revolves

trục quay

trục quay

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(geometry) an arbitrary straight line that passes through the center of a symmetrical object or around which an object spins

Hệ tọa độ Descartes

Hệ tọa độ Descartes

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a mark or an object formed by two short lines or pieces crossing each other

dấu nhân

dấu nhân

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(geometry) a straight line that joins the opposite corners of a flat shape at an angle

đường đối giác

đường đối giác

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(geometry) a shape that consists of a line alternating its direction to left and right

hình đường chữ chi

hình đường chữ chi

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a straight line that is terminated by a secondary line at each end, resembling the letter H

hói đầu

hói đầu

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a straight line with one endpoint that extends infinitely in the other direction



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line segment

a portion of a straight line that is defined by two distinct endpoints

đoạn đường

đoạn đường

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(mathematics) any of the pair of geometric figures such as lines or planes which do not meet or intersect

đường song song

đường song song

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a line, segment, or structure that meets another at a right angle, creating a 90-degree intersection

buổi cơm

buổi cơm

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a straight line that touches a curve or surface at exactly one point, known as the point of tangency

đường tiếp tuyến

đường tiếp tuyến

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a line that intersects a circle at two distinct points

đường cát tuyến

đường cát tuyến

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linear pair

a pair of adjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines, which add up to 180 degrees

cặp tuyến tính

cặp tuyến tính

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acute angle

an angle that measures between 0 and 90 degrees, which is less than a right angle (90 degrees)

góc nhọn

góc nhọn

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obtuse angle

an angle that measures more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees

đơn giác

đơn giác

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right angle

an angle measuring exactly 90 degrees

góc vuông

góc vuông

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straight angle

an angle that measures exactly 180 degrees, which is the same as a straight line

góc bẹt

góc bẹt

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oblique angle

an angle that measures either less or more that 90 degrees

goc nhọn

goc nhọn

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reflex angle

an angle that measures greater than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees

góc phản xạ

góc phản xạ

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full rotation

a complete revolution or turn around a fixed point or axis, covering a 360-degree angle

vòng quay đầy đủ

vòng quay đầy đủ

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positive angle

an angle measured counterclockwise from the initial side of a reference angle in standard position, usually expressed in degrees or radians

góc tích cực

góc tích cực

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negative angle

an angle measured clockwise from the initial side of a reference angle in standard position, usually expressed in degrees or radians

góc âm

góc âm

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adjacent angles

two angles that share a common vertex and a common side, but do not overlap, and are not in a straight line

Góc liền kề

Góc liền kề

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plane angle

the measure of the tilt between two lines or surfaces in two-dimensional space, typically given in degrees or radians

góc phẳng

góc phẳng

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(geometry) a part of a circle, which is curved

cung (hình học)

cung (hình học)

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a curved shape, or something shaped this way

hình cung

hình cung

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a shape, line or surface that is hollow and is rounded inward

bề lõm

bề lõm

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conic section

(geometry) a shape formed when a circular cone is intersected by a plane

phần hình nón

phần hình nón

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a curved shape with narrow points at the ends that appears wider in the middle, like the shape of the moon in its first and last quarters

hình lưỡi liềm

hình lưỡi liềm

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something that resembles a spiral or coil

đường xoắn ốc

đường xoắn ốc

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(geometry) a curved shape or design that gradually winds around a center or axis

đường xoắn ốc

đường xoắn ốc

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(geometry) a closed plane curve that has two focal points

hình bầu dục

hình bầu dục

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(geometry) a symmetrical open curve that is similar to the path of an object thrown into the air passes till it falls back to earth

đường hình parabol

đường hình parabol

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a geometric curve formed by the intersection of a plane with two cones, resulting in two symmetrical branches

song khúc tuyến

song khúc tuyến

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simple curve

a continuous curve that does not intersect itself, and can be traced without lifting the pen or pencil from the paper

đường cong đơn giản

đường cong đơn giản

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non-simple curve

a curve that intersects itself, or has overlapping segments, requiring the pen or pencil to be lifted from the paper while tracing it

đường cong không đơn giản

đường cong không đơn giản

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open curve

a curve that does not intersect itself and has distinct endpoints, meaning it does not form a closed shape or loop

đường cong mở

đường cong mở

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closed curve

a curve that begins and ends at the same point, forming a closed loop

đường cong khép kín

đường cong khép kín

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