Chắc Chắn và Nghi Ngờ - Đánh giá và suy đoán
Tại đây bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh liên quan đến đánh giá và suy đoán như "giả thuyết", "dự báo" và "đánh giá".
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Đố vui
to calculate or judge the quality, value, significance, or effectiveness of something or someone

đánh giá, so sánh

a judgment on the quantity and quality of something after careful consideration

đánh giá, thẩm định

relating to forming or giving an opinion about the qualities or values of something upon adequate consideration

đánh giá, thuộc về đánh giá

the process of looking closely at something to identify any issues

kiểm tra, khảo sát

to think or believe that it is possible for something to happen or for someone to do something

mong đợi, kỳ vọng

the act of using known facts or existing trends in order to conclude or estimate something assuming that the current trends or facts will remain relevant

suy diễn

to predict future events, based on analysis of present data and conditions

dự đoán, dự báo

to carefully assess someone's character or qualities, or to form an opinion about something
something that inadvertently reveals something or makes something easy to guess

dấu hiệu, gợi ý

*** a situation in which you do not know what is going to happen or what somebody is going to do

trò chơi đoán, trò chơi dự đoán

an attempt made to estimate or calculate something without knowing all the facts

đoán, ước lượng

the action of trying to provide an answer without having all the necessary information

sự ước lượng, sự phỏng đoán

to state an opinion, guess, suggestion, etc. even though there are chances of one being wrong

mạo hiểm, đoán

having an indication of being very close to discovering or guessing something in a children's game

nóng, gần

an explanation based on limited facts and evidence that is not yet proved to be true

giả thuyết