
Từ Vựng Cần Thiết cho TOEFL - Rối loạn tâm thần

Tại đây bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh về rối loạn tâm thần, chẳng hạn như "lo lắng", "mania", "PTSD", v.v. cần thiết cho kỳ thi TOEFL.


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Essential Words Needed for TOEFL

a disease or a medical condition that prevents a part of the body or mind from functioning normally

không có thứ tự

không có thứ tự

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(psychiatry) a mental disorder of constant nervousness and worry, in which one expects something bad to happen with no valid reason

lo ngại

lo ngại

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relating to the health or state of the mind

liên quan đến tâm trí

liên quan đến tâm trí

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a state characterized by constant feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of enegry or interest in activities

buôn bán trầm trệ

buôn bán trầm trệ

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mental condition that causes extreme and unusual changes in one's energy level, mood, or emotions

tính ham mê

tính ham mê

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a mental condition that happens when the brain is damaged by disease or injury, causing memory loss and impairing the ability to think or make decisions



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a disorder that begins in early childhood, causing behavioral, social, and communication challenges

lòng tự ái

lòng tự ái

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a state where a person is unusually active, is unable to stay focused or quiet for long, experienced mostly by children

tăng động

tăng động

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attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

a condition, experienced mostly by children, making them seem restless, unable to keep focus, and act impulsively

rối loạn tăng động giảm chú ý

rối loạn tăng động giảm chú ý

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obsessive-compulsive disorder

a disorder causing a person to have recurring unwanted thoughts or to do something such as cleaning or checking on something over and over

chứng rối loạn ám ảnh cưỡng chế

chứng rối loạn ám ảnh cưỡng chế

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[Danh từ]
post-traumatic stress disorder

a disorder that is formed in a person who has experienced a very shocking or frightening event, causing them to have nightmares or flashbacks from the event

Dẫn tới chấn thương tâm lý

Dẫn tới chấn thương tâm lý

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panic attack

a disorder causing one to suddenly feel intense anxiety or fear

cuộc tấn công hoảng loạn

cuộc tấn công hoảng loạn

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a mental disorder that causes a person to think they are very important or that others are trying to harm them

bịnh tinh thần do kiêu căng ra

bịnh tinh thần do kiêu căng ra

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suffering from a mental condition that causes one to believe other people are trying to harm one

hoang tưởng

hoang tưởng

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[Tính từ]
personality disorder

any mental illness characterized by different patterns of social behavior, inability to form healthy interpersonal relationships and to function normally in society

rối loạn nhân cách

rối loạn nhân cách

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someone with a severe mental condition that makes them prone to violent or antisocial behavior

bịnh tinh thần

bịnh tinh thần

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someone with a mental condition characterized by impulsive behavior, impaired remorse, and indifference to other people's feelings

kẻ sát nhân xã hội

kẻ sát nhân xã hội

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a chronic mental disorder in which a person's ability to think, feel or behave is affected, often associated with the distortion of reality

tâm thần phân liệt

tâm thần phân liệt

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(of a mental condition) affecting brain processes so severely that makes one unable to tell the difference between reality and fantasy

tâm thần

tâm thần

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[Tính từ]
borderline personality disorder

a mental illness that causes a person to act impulsively, to experience severe shifts in mood, and to be unable to form interpersonal relationships

rối loạn nhân cách thể bất định

rối loạn nhân cách thể bất định

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bipolar disorder

a chronic mental health condition marked by episodes of mania and depression

rối loạn lưỡng cực

rối loạn lưỡng cực

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dissociative identity disorder

a psychological condition in which there are more than one personality in a person, each personality has different memories and patterns of behavior

rối loạn nhận dạng phân ly

rối loạn nhận dạng phân ly

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a disorder in which one is unable to sleep or stay asleep

chứng mất ngũ

chứng mất ngũ

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a severe medical condition that leads to partial or complete loss of memory

chứng hay quên

chứng hay quên

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a mental condition in which one is abnormally self-centered and self-interested

sự ích kỷ

sự ích kỷ

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a medical condition of the mind caused by extreme shock, which could last for a very long time

cú sốc tâm lý

cú sốc tâm lý

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the action of intentionally harming oneself, usually as a result of a mental disorder

tự làm hại bản thân

tự làm hại bản thân

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tendency to unpredictable changes of mood or to behave erratically

sự bất định

sự bất định

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a group of partly or completely repressed emotions or impulses that affect a person's behavior and patterns of thought

tổ hợp

tổ hợp

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dangerous and likely to be fatal; likely to cause a disaster

tự tử

tự tử

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[Tính từ]

gaining sexual satisfaction from being physically or mentally harmed or controlled

khổ dâm

khổ dâm

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finding pleasure, particularly sexual pleasure in hurting or humiliating others

tàn ác

tàn ác

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