
Danh Sách Từ Vựng Trình Độ C1 - Giáo dục

Tại đây các bạn sẽ học một số từ tiếng Anh về giáo dục như “admission”, “janitor”, “scholar”, v.v. dành cho người học C1.


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CEFR C1 Vocabulary

the permission given to someone to become a student of a school, enter an organization, etc.

cho phép vào

cho phép vào

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the state of being present at an event or a place

phụng sự

phụng sự

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a type of punishment for students who have done something wrong and as a result, they cannot go home at the same time as others

loại hình phạt của trường học

loại hình phạt của trường học

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a teacher who is the head of a school

giám đốc

giám đốc

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someone whose job is to teach people

thầy dạy

thầy dạy

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someone whose job is cleaning and taking care of a school or other building

người coi nhà

người coi nhà

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the position that a university professor has

vị trí giáo sư

vị trí giáo sư

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someone who leaves school or college before finishing their studies

một người bỏ học giữa chừng

một người bỏ học giữa chừng

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someone who has a lot of knowledge about a particular subject, especially in the humanities

học giả

học giả

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a student who does not have permission for not attending school

trốn học

trốn học

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to confer

to give an official degree, title, right, etc. to someone

[Động từ]
to expel

to force someone to leave a place, organization, etc.

trục xuất ai đó (từ trường đại học, trường học, v.v.)

trục xuất ai đó (từ trường đại học, trường học, v.v.)

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to skip

to not do an activity on purpose, particularly one that one is supposed to do or usually does

trốn tránh trách nhiệm

trốn tránh trách nhiệm

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to flag

to put or draw a mark on something in order to make it more noticeable

lót đá

lót đá

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a long piece of writing on a particular subject that a university student presents in order to get an advanced degree

bài nghị luận

bài nghị luận

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the highest degree given by a university

cấp bác sỉ

cấp bác sỉ

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field day

a day on which no classes are held and students take part in sports games

ngày nghỉ (do sự kiện thể thao)

ngày nghỉ (do sự kiện thể thao)

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field trip

a trip made by researchers or students to learn more about something by being close to it

chuyến đi thực tế

chuyến đi thực tế

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a test that must be passed in the US by students who want to continue their education after their first degree



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referring to mental processes involved in understanding, thinking, and remembering

nhận thức

nhận thức

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not included in the regular course of study at a college or school

ngoại khóa

ngoại khóa

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involving a lot of effort, attention, and activity in a short period of time



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describing someone who can read and write

biết đọc

biết đọc

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having a lot of respect, honor, and admiration in a particular field or society

đứng đắn, nghiêm túc

đứng đắn, nghiêm túc

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involving the necessary knowledge or skills for a certain occupation

chuyên nghiệp

chuyên nghiệp

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books and subjects that students should study in a school or college course

bộ giáo dục

bộ giáo dục

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a unit of study within a course offered by a college or university, covering a specific topic or area of study

tiêu chuẫn

tiêu chuẫn

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a branch of mathematics in which abstract letters and symbols represent numbers in order to generalize the arithmetic

đại số học

đại số học

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a branch of mathematics that deals with addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.

toán học

toán học

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studies that deal with people and their behavior such as language, philosophy, history, etc.

cổ điển học

cổ điển học

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residence hall

a college or university building in which students can reside

ký túc xá

ký túc xá

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the study of religions and faiths

khoa thần học

khoa thần học

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a branch of science that deals with animals

động vật học

động vật học

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a test that high school students take before college or university in the US



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(of a person) not attending a place one was supposed to or leaving an obligation without any notice or permission

vắng mặt không phép

vắng mặt không phép

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