short in duration
短暂的, 简短的
existing for a limited time
lasting for only a short period of time
瞬间的, 短暂的
lasting or existing for a small amount of time
continuing or existing for a very short amount of time
短暂的, 转瞬即逝的
having a very short duration
短暂的, 瞬时的
existing for a short time
短暂的, 瞬间的
continuing or enduring for a long time, without significant changes
持久的, 永久的
(of a thing) having existed or been in use for a significant period of time
长期的, 老的
continuing forever or indefinitely into the future
永久的, 无尽的
having the ability to last over a long period of time
持久的, 耐用的
continuing or taking place over a relatively extended duration of time
长期的, 可持续的
lasting for a long time or continuing indefinitely
多年生的, 持久的
continuing or existing forever
永恒的, 不朽的
continuing to exist all the time, without significant changes
永久的, 常设的
continuing for an indefinite period without end
永恒的, 无尽的
relating to a time span of a thousand years
lasting for a brief time
短暂的, 过渡的
fading out of existence, mind, or sight quickly
瞬息万变的, 转瞬即逝的
lasting for only a brief period
lasting for an extended period, often longer than what is typical or expected
长期的, 延长的
lasting for an unspecified length of time
不确定的, 无限期的
lasting for a duration of one hour
一个小时的, 持续一个小时的
lasting for the duration of a full year
为期一年的, 持续一年的