الصحة والمرض - وصف الصحة والمرض
هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بوصف الصحة والمرض مثل "المزمن"، "الالتهابي"، و "الفيروسي".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
relating to a condition where the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own cells, tissues, or organs

مناعة ذاتية, ذاتية المناعة

related to diseases that can be transmitted from one person to another through direct or indirect means

مرض معدي, مرض قابل للانتقال

(of disease or illness) likely to be transmitted from one person to another

معدي, قابل للانتقال

having autism spectrum disorder, a developmental condition that affects social interaction, communication, and behavior


(of a disease) transmittable from one person to another through close contact

معدي, معدية

characterized by the gradual deterioration or decline of a particular organ, system, or function in the body

تنكسي, تدهوري

having the symptoms of a fever, such as high temperature, sweating, shivering, etc.

حُمَّويّ, مُعَثَّر

(of an illness) developing suddenly and progresses rapidly, often with severe and intense symptoms

مفاجئ, عنيف

(of a disease or a sick person) impossible to cure or unresponsive to treatment

غير قابل للعلاج, ميؤوس منه

(of a disease or condition) capable of transmitting from one person, organism, or object to another through direct or indirect contact

معدٍ, عدوى

(of pathology) related to a diseased state or an abnormal condition, especially one that is severe or harmful

كئيب, مرضى

(of a physical illness) caused or aggravated by mental factors, such as stress and anxiety

نفسي جسدي

(of pathology) relating to a period when a disease is inactive, showing no apparent symptoms or progression

خامد, سلبي

related to conditions causing inflammation and pain in joints, muscles, or connective tissues

روماتيزمي, روماتويدي

(of an illness) having no cure and gradually leading to death

نهائي, في المرحلة النهائية

relating to or suffering from tuberculosis, a severe and contagious infection that mainly affects one's lungs

سلّي, سلّية

relating to a health condition where a person has a lower than normal number of red blood cells, causing fatigue and weakness

فقر الدم, فقر دم (مرتبط بفقر الدم)

related to a condition or sound characterized by audible wheezing or whistling during breathing, typically caused by narrowed airways


relating to a medical condition characterized by an impaired ability to regulate blood sugar levels

سكري, مرتبط بالسكري

looking thin, pale, or exhausted due to prolonged period of suffering, anxiety, or starvation

هزيل, مُنحل

relating to an incurable chronic illness or a medical condition that will eventually lead to patient's death

محدود الحياة, يؤدي إلى الموت

related to or infected by malaria, a chronic disease that is caused by the bite of specific types of mosquito

ملارياوي, مرتبط بالملاريا

(of a disease or a crime) so chronic or serious that requires official notification and must be reported to the appropriate authorities

قابل للإبلاغ, يتطلب الإخطار

affected by or belonging to celiac disease, a serious autoimmune disease and a digestive disorder that is triggered by eating foods that contain gluten

سيلياك, مرتبط بمرض السيلياك

not adequately fed or nourished therefore in bad health

غير مُغَذَّى بشكل كافٍ, مُعَاني من نقص التغذية

lacking the necessary qualities, skills, or mental health to perform a task

غير مؤهل, غير مناسب

feeling or looking exhausted, unwell, or slightly ill, particularly after an intense physical activity

مرهق, تعبان

feeling sick or nauseous due to the motion of the ship or boat one is traveling with

دوار البحر, غثيان

(of a disease or characteristic) able to be passed on to a child through the genes of its parents

وراثي, موروثي

extremely emaciated, particularly due to illness, lack of food, or exposure to cold

هزيل, نحيف