সাফল্য - Improvement
"কম অ্যা লং ওয়ে" এবং "কুৎসিত হাঁসের বাচ্চা" এর মতো ইংরেজি শব্দগুলি কীভাবে ইংরেজির উন্নতির সাথে সম্পর্কিত তা আবিষ্কার করুন।
used to refer to a company, organization, etc. that is prosperous and developing rapidly
to become successful again after experiencing difficulties or financial problems
to become more and more successful with the passage of time
to be in a place or position where one needs to make a lot of progress in order to achieve a desired result
to experience success or good fortune, particularly after a period of facing challenges or setbacks
to return to a position of success, influence or popularity after experiencing a decline or setback
to make an effort to improve a situation after an unfortunate event or unexpected setback