Successo - Miglioramento
Scopri come modi di dire inglesi come "come a long way" e "brutto anatroccolo" si riferiscono al miglioramento dell'inglese.
used to refer to a company, organization, etc. that is prosperous and developing rapidly

in piedi
to become successful again after experiencing difficulties or financial problems
to have achieved great success or made great progress

fatta di strada, fatto molta strada
to become more and more successful with the passage of time

marciando di forza in forza
to be in a place or position where one needs to make a lot of progress in order to achieve a desired result

avere molto da fare
to experience success or good fortune, particularly after a period of facing challenges or setbacks

cadere in piedi
to return to a position of success, influence or popularity after experiencing a decline or setback

tornare alla ribalta
to make an effort to improve a situation after an unfortunate event or unexpected setback

rimettere insieme i cocci, raccogliere i cocci
to improve a situation or one's behavior for better results

mettere ordine in casa