Slovesa Slovní Akce - Slovesa pro verbální konfrontaci
Zde se naučíte některá anglická slovesa odkazující na verbální konfrontaci, jako je „argue“, „yell“ a „haškovat“.
to speak to someone often angrily because one disagrees with them
hádat se s někým
to face someone, particularly in a way that is unfriendly or threatening
to argue with someone, particularly over the ownership of something, facts, etc.
to have a quick and small argument, usually over unimportant matters
vyměšovat jikry
to argue over unimportant things in an ongoing and repetitive way
hašteřit se
to have a serious and heated argument with someone, often involving raised voices
hašteřit se
to speak loudly, expressing strong opinions or complaints
stěžovat si nahlas nebo rozzlobeně
to speak loudly, often associated with expressing anger or when you cannot hear what the other person is saying
to make a loud, sharp cry when we are feeling a strong emotion
křičet na někoho nebo na něco