
Akademický IELTS (Pásmo 5 a Níže) - Připravování jídla

Zde se naučíte některá anglická slova související s přípravou jídla, která jsou nezbytná pro zkoušku Basic Academic IELTS.









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Vocabulary for Academic IELTS (5)
to bake

to cook food, usually in an oven, without any extra fat or liquid

péct, upečen

péct, upečen

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to boil

to cook food in very hot water

vařit, povážet

vařit, povážet

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to grill

to cook food directly over or under high heat, typically on a metal tray

grilovat, péct na grilu

grilovat, péct na grilu

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to fry

to cook in hot oil or fat

smažit, fritovat

smažit, fritovat

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to roast

to cook something, especially meat, over a fire or in an oven for an extended period

péct, opékat

péct, opékat

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to blend

to combine different substances together

smíchat, kombinovat

smíchat, kombinovat

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to chop

to cut something into pieces using a knife, etc.

krájet, sekat

krájet, sekat

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to slice

to cut food or other things into thin, flat pieces

krájet, snížit

krájet, snížit

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to dice

to cut food into small cubes

krájet na kostičky, kouskovat

krájet na kostičky, kouskovat

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to peel

to remove the skin or outer layer of something, such as fruit, etc.

oloupat, sejmout kůru

oloupat, sejmout kůru

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to grate

to cut food into small pieces or shreds using a tool with sharp holes



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to shred

to cut something into very small pieces

trhat, nahrubo nastrouhat

trhat, nahrubo nastrouhat

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to mash

to crush food into a soft mass

rozmačkat, pyré

rozmačkat, pyré

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to marinate

to soak food in a seasoned liquid, typically containing oil, vinegar, herbs, and spices, to enhance its flavor and softness before cooking

marinovat, naložit

marinovat, naložit

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to season

to add spices or salt to food to make it taste better

ochutit, kořenit

ochutit, kořenit

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to mix

to combine two or more distinct substances or elements to form a unified whole

míchat, kombinovat

míchat, kombinovat

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to freeze

to become hard or turn to ice because of reaching or going below 0° Celsius

zamrzat, zmrazit

zamrzat, zmrazit

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to toast

to make food such as bread or cheese brown by heating it

opékat, toustovat

opékat, toustovat

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to cut

to divide a thing into smaller pieces using a sharp object

říznout, přerušit

říznout, přerušit

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to flavor

to improve or change the taste of a dish by adding spices, vegetables, etc. to it

ochucovat, přidávat chuť

ochucovat, přidávat chuť

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