Frázová Slovesa Používající 'Off' & 'In' - Dokončení, zrušení nebo odložení (vypnuto)
to pass the time without doing anything important or productive
promarnit čas, nic nedělat
to put a check mark on or near an item to show it is done or verified
odškrtnout, zaškrtnout
to mark an item or task on a list as completed or canceled by drawing a line through it
škrtnout, odškrtnout
to cancel a commitment or obligation, often at the last minute, by providing an excuse
zrušit v poslední chvíli, odstoupit
to complete or finalize something, especially in a successful or satisfying manner
dokončit, uzavřít
to conclude or cease, often in an abrupt or incomplete manner
přestat, ukončit
to avoid dealing with something, such as a responsibility or an issue
odkládat, zdržovat se
to cancel or postpone a match or game due to heavy rain or unfavorable weather conditions
zrušit kvůli dešti, odložit kvůli dešti
to conclude an event or activity in a satisfying manner
uzavřít, dovršit
to write the final message at the end of the letter or email that counts as one's signature
podepsat, uzavřít