Frázová Slovesa Používající 'Off' & 'In' - Pohyb, odchod nebo útěk (vypnuto)
to move away from a person, thing, or situation
ustoupit, odstoupit
to take something or someone away from a place or situation and move them to a different one
odnést, vystěhovat
to forcefully make someone or something leave by chasing after them threateningly
zahnat, vyhnat
to fall from a particular position to the ground
spadnout, přepadnout
to leave one's spouse or partner to pursue a romantic relationship with someone else
odejít s, utéct s
(of a spacecraft or aircraft) to leave the ground, particularly vertically
vzlétnout, vystoupat
to leave quickly, often in order to escape or avoid someone or something
utéct, prchnout
to go somewhere, especially in a hurry or with little preparation
rychle odejít, pohybovat se
to leave somewhere with something that one does not own
utéct s, utekli s
to leave quickly or abruptly, often because of an urgent or unexpected situation
rychle odejít, spěchat pryč
to swiftly depart from a place, often with the aim of avoiding something or someone
ujít, vymanit se
to leave a place, meeting, or situation without drawing attention to oneself
odejít nenápadně, vyklouznout
to leave a place quietly so that others may not notice one's departure
vyklouznout, odejít potichu
to take something without permission, especially by stealing
ukrást, odemknout