Gesellschaft, Recht und Politik - Gerechtigkeit
Beherrschen Sie englische Redewendungen zum Thema Gerechtigkeit, wie „on a equal footing“ und „a fair shake“.
a chance or opportunity given to a person equally as others
faire Chance
to receive an unfortunate consequence or punishment that one truly deserves as a result of one's wrong behavior
einer Strafe würdig sein
done honestly, justly, or without disobeying any rules
völlig fair
to blame the right person or thing
der richtigen Person oder Sache die Schuld geben
of the same level, status, or position, without any advantage or disadvantage for one person, thing, or group over the other
zu gleichen Bedingungen
to acknowledge someone's positive qualities or actions, even if that person is generally unpleasant, evil, or disliked
unparteiisch urteilen