
Társadalom, Törvény és Politika - Justice

Sajátítsd el az igazságosságra vonatkozó angol idiómákat, mint például az „egyenlő alapon” és „a fair shake”.







Indítsa el a tanulást
English idioms related to Society, Law & Politics
a fair shake

a chance or opportunity given to a person equally as others

to serve somebody right

to receive an unfortunate consequence or punishment that one truly deserves as a result of one's wrong behavior

fair and square

done honestly, justly, or without disobeying any rules

to put the saddle on the right horse

to blame the right person or thing

on an equal footing

of the same level, status, or position, without any advantage or disadvantage for one person, thing, or group over the other

to give the devil his due (in law)

to acknowledge someone's positive qualities or actions, even if that person is generally unpleasant, evil, or disliked

above board

in a transparent, honest, and lawful manner

square deal

a fair and honest treatment

egy tisztességes alku, egy korrekt megállapodás

egy tisztességes alku, egy korrekt megállapodás

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poetic justice

a situation in which one believes that an unfortunate event that has happened to someone is well deserved

poétikus igazság, poétikus megfizetés

poétikus igazság, poétikus megfizetés

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