
Relaciones - Family

Domina modismos en inglés sobre la familia, como "born and bred" y "black Sheep".




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English idioms related to Relationships
love child

a child who had parents that were not married to one another

hijo ilegítimo, hijo fuera del matrimonio

hijo ilegítimo, hijo fuera del matrimonio

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big mama

a woman that is regarded as the one who provides for her family

mamá grande, mamá de familia

mamá grande, mamá de familia

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born on the wrong side of the blanket

used to refer to a child whose parents were not married at the time of birth

born and bred

used to refer to a place one was born or grew up in

to have a bun in the oven

to be expecting a child

to wrap somebody (up) in cotton wool

to protect or treat someone or something in an overly cautious or overprotective manner

pigeon pair

a specific sibling combination consisting of a boy and a girl, typically born consecutively in the same family

pareja de palomas, hermanos mixtos

pareja de palomas, hermanos mixtos

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one's (own) flesh and blood

used to describe someone with whom one shares a family relation

curtain lecture

a lecture or reprimand a wife gives to her husband in private

lección privada, reprimenda privada

lección privada, reprimenda privada

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black sheep

someone who is regarded as shameful, embarrassing, or disgraceful within their family or group

la oveja negra, el paria de la familia

la oveja negra, el paria de la familia

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chip off the old block

someone who closely resembles their parent, especially in terms of personality, traits, or behavior

to cut somebody off with a cent

to disinherit or withdraw financial support from a family member as a way to express disapproval or to enforce certain behaviors or decisions

Benjamin of the family

used to refer to the youngest child of a family

from father to son

used to refer to the passing down of traditions, knowledge, values, or skills from one generation to the next, especially from a father to his son

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