روابط - Family
به اصطلاحات انگلیسی در مورد خانواده، مانند "متولد و پرورش یافته" و "گوسفند سیاه" مسلط شوید.
used to refer to a child whose parents were not married at the time of birth

فرزند خارج از ازدواج
used to refer to a place one was born or grew up in

محلی که در آن شخص به دنیا آمده و بزرگ شده
to protect or treat someone or something in an overly cautious or overprotective manner

لوس بار آوردن
a specific sibling combination consisting of a boy and a girl, typically born consecutively in the same family

خواهر و برادر
used to describe someone with whom one shares a family relation

a lecture or reprimand a wife gives to her husband in private

بگومگوهای زنوشوهری
someone who is regarded as shameful, embarrassing, or disgraceful within their family or group

مایه ننگ یک جمع یا خانواده
someone who closely resembles their parent, especially in terms of personality, traits, or behavior

سیب ازوسطنصفشده (در ارتباط با پدر یا مادر)
to disinherit or withdraw financial support from a family member as a way to express disapproval or to enforce certain behaviors or decisions

از ارث محروم کردن
used to refer to the youngest child of a family

تهتغاری, کوچکترین فرزند خانواده