
Fracaso - Defeat

Domina modismos en inglés sobre la derrota, como "fuera de la carrera" y "muerto en el agua".




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English idioms related to Failure
dead loss

a situation or activity that is not productive

pérdida muerta, pérdida neta

pérdida muerta, pérdida neta

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to come to grief

to have an undesirable, unfortunate, or disappointing outcome

dar al traste

dar al traste

out of the running

with no chance of succeeding in a competition

estar fuera de competencia

estar fuera de competencia

wide of the mark

far from the correct or expected result

comedy of errors

a situation or series of events that is marked by a sequence of humorous mistakes, mishaps, or misunderstandings

dog days

a period of hardship, struggle, or adversity

días difíciles, tiempos difíciles

días difíciles, tiempos difíciles

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to miss the boat

to lose the chance to take advantage of something, particularly a good opportunity

dead man walking

someone who is prone to lose something that is of great value or importance to them, such as their position, job, title, etc.

dead duck

someone or something that has never succeeded or is very unlikely to succeed in the future

causa perdida

causa perdida

to come a cropper

to suddenly fail at something



dead end

a situation that shows no signs of progress or improvement

callejón sin salida

callejón sin salida

dead in the water

used to describe a situation or plan that has come to a complete halt or has become unproductive, with little to no chance of progress or success

estar encallado

estar encallado

to pass one's sell-by date

to be no longer effective or of much use

down for the count

having failed in doing or achieving something and unable to continue

to go down in the world

to experience a fall in social or financial status

bajar en la escala social

bajar en la escala social

yesterday's man

someone who was once significant or important but is now considered outdated or no longer influential

to draw a blank

to be unable to come up with ideas or solutions to a problem

the writing is on the wall

used to say that there are clear indications or signals that something negative or disastrous is going to happen soon, and that it is likely to be unavoidable

tener los días contados

tener los días contados

to take somebody to the cleaners

to defeat a person or a group thoroughly, often in a very humiliating manner

wooden spoon

an imaginary or symbolic prize given to the person who finishes in last place or performs poorly in a competition or event

cucharón de madera (en sentido figurado), cucharada de madera

cucharón de madera (en sentido figurado), cucharada de madera

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to knock somebody off one's feet

to overwhelm or defeat someone completely and unexpectedly

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