
Fracaso - Perdido en el juego

Domina modismos en inglés relacionados con estar perdido en el juego, como "huevo podrido" y "sin dados".




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English idioms related to Failure
lame duck

someone or something that is unsuccessful and in need of help



rotten egg

someone who keeps failing at things they try to do, particularly in a hilarious or horrendous way

un desastre, un fracaso

un desastre, un fracaso

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blind alley

a course or situation that yields no useful results

callejón sin salida

callejón sin salida

dead loss

someone who accomplishes nothing or is of no use

pérdida inútil, carga muerta

pérdida inútil, carga muerta

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a losing battle

a situation or conflict where the outcome or victory is highly unlikely or unfavorable

luchar una batalla perdida

luchar una batalla perdida

to be done for

to be certain to fail because of being in an awful situation

estar perdido

estar perdido

one's cake is dough

used when one's actions failed to achieve any success or make any progress

to hit rock bottom

to reach the lowest possible point in a particular situation, often in terms of emotional or financial well-being

to not have a (single) prayer

to have no chance of achieving success

the end of the line

the point at which making further progress becomes nearly impossible

no dice

used to say that one has no chance in achieving success or is out of luck when trying to do something

sin suerte, ni hablar

sin suerte, ni hablar

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to go down the tube

to experience a significant decline, failure, or deterioration in a situation, project, or endeavor



to go down like a lead balloon (across Wales)

to be extremely unsuccessful or very badly received

caer fatal

caer fatal

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