
Verdad, Secreto y Engaño - Veracidad

Sumérjase en modismos ingleses relacionados con la veracidad, como "hacer un pecho limpio" y "salir del lavado".




Tarjetas de memoria



Empezar a aprender
English idioms relate to Truth, Secrecy, & Deception
to show one's true colors

to behave in a way that reveals who a person truly is as opposed to whom they seem to be

mostrando la verdadera naturaleza de uno

mostrando la verdadera naturaleza de uno

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to put one's cards on the table

to honestly share one's thoughts, feelings, or plans

poner las cartas sobre la mesa

poner las cartas sobre la mesa

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on the level

truthfully and without any deception



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to cross one's heart

to swear that one is telling the truth about something or is going to do something as promised

jurar sobre la vida

jurar sobre la vida

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to make a clean breast of sth

to make a confession about what one has done wrong or lied about, especially to gain relief

confesar la propia culpa o falta

confesar la propia culpa o falta

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to come clean

to finally reveal or admit the truth about something

to take the lid off sth

to make known an unpleasant truth about something

revelar la verdad de algo

revelar la verdad de algo

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the birds and (the) bees

a conversation with children about disturbing topics like where babies come from or what is the goal of marriage are being discussed

hablar de sexo con niños

hablar de sexo con niños

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on the up and up

in a way that involves no deception or rule violations

sin engaños ni violaciones de reglas

sin engaños ni violaciones de reglas

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home truth

an unpleasant, yet truthful information someone reveals or points out about one

hechos perturbadores sobre uno mismo

hechos perturbadores sobre uno mismo

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to come out in the wash

(of a hidden fact) to be eventually revealed or discovered

cuando un hecho finalmente se revela

cuando un hecho finalmente se revela

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