Verbos para Gestionar Información y Objetos - Verbos para cantidad y medida
Aquí aprenderás algunos verbos en inglés referentes a cantidades y medidas como "calculate", "tally" y "weigh".
Tarjetas de memoria
to determine the size or dimensions of an object using a measuring tool or device

medir, calibrar

to surpass someone or something in quality, performance, or achievement

superar, sobrepasar

to be greater in number than someone or something else

superar en número, sobrepasar en número

to count or enumerate a set or group in order to determine its quantity or identify individual items

numerar, contar

to calculate and find the total by adding together various numbers or amounts

sumar, calcular el total

to measure something using a device designed for measuring a particular quantity such as length, volume, or electricity

medir, evaluar