حقیقت، رازداری و فریب - فریب
دریابید که اصطلاحات انگلیسی مانند "دود دود" و "بوی موش" چگونه با فریب در انگلیسی ارتباط دارند.
to hide the truth from someone and make them believe something that is not true
سر کسی را شیره مالیدن
to not be completely truthful about something by changing or omitting some facts
حقایق را تحریف کردن
to try to deceive a person by doing or saying something that misleads or confuses them
به کسی اطلاعات غلط دادن
to illegally change the financial records of a company or organization for personal gain
حسابهای مالی را دستکاری کردن
an attempt to persuade someone to do or believe something using deception or flattery
used for emphasizing how easily a person is fooled or deceived
to provide someone with false, altered, or misleading information
کسی را گول زدن
to make someone reveal information by questioning them repeatedly or cleverly
از زیر زبان کسی بیرون کشیدن
to deceive a person, often in order to steal their money
سر کسی کلاه گذاشتن
to begin to feel that there might be something wrong or dishonest about a situation
بودار به نظر رسیدن
used to refer to a person who behaves in an untrustworthy or deceitful way
غیر قابل اعتماد
to make a person believe something that is not true
کسی را فریب دادن
a deceptive marketing tactic where a product or service is advertised at a low price to attract customers, but is then substituted for a more expensive or inferior option
بازاریابی اسیرکننده
a situation where something seems impressive or important, but is actually just a distraction from something else
چیزی که ظاهرش فریبنده است
something that appears free but actually costs something in a hidden or indirect way
هر چیز به ظاهر مفت
a person who imitates the actions, clothes, ideas, etc. of someone else
فرد تقلیدکننده