
جامعه، قانون و سیاست - اقتدار و رهبری

کشف کنید که چگونه ضرب المثل های انگلیسی مانند "همه یک ارباب را دوست دارند" و "اگر بادام زمینی بپردازید، میمون می گیرید" چگونه اقتدار و رهبری را به انگلیسی نشان می دهند.







شروع یادگیری
Society, Law, & Politics
it is easy to find a thousand soldiers, but hard to find a good general

used to imply that it is easier to find people who are willing to follow and do the work, but it is much harder to find someone who has the skills and qualities to lead a group effectively

an army of sheep led by a lion would defeat an army of lions led by a sheep

used to imply that effective leadership is more important than size or strength, as a skilled leader can inspire a weaker group to triumph over a stronger one with poor leadership

لشکری ​​از گوسفندان به رهبری یک شیر لشکری ​​از شیرها که توسط یک گوسفند رهبری می شد را شکست خواهند داد

لشکری ​​از گوسفندان به رهبری یک شیر لشکری ​​از شیرها که توسط یک گوسفند رهبری می شد را شکست خواهند داد

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when the cat is away (, the mice will play)

used to suggest that people will often take advantage of the absence of authority or supervision to do things that they wouldn't do if they were being watched

وقتی که شیر نباشد روباه جولان می‌دهد

وقتی که شیر نباشد روباه جولان می‌دهد

in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king

used to say that in a situation where everyone else is ignorant or inexperienced, even someone with limited knowledge or abilities can be considered superior or an expert

در کشور نابینایان، مرد یک چشم پادشاه است

در کشور نابینایان، مرد یک چشم پادشاه است

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fish (always) rots from the head (down)

used to imply that when there are issues or wrongdoing within a group, it is often due to a failure of leadership or a lack of accountability at the highest levels

آب از سرچشمه گل‌آلود است

آب از سرچشمه گل‌آلود است

a nod from a lord is a breakfast for a fool

used to imply that even a small gesture is enough to satisfy a naive or foolish person who is easily impressed by those in positions of power or influence

سر تکان دادن یک ارباب صبحانه ای برای احمق است

سر تکان دادن یک ارباب صبحانه ای برای احمق است

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better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion

used to suggest that it is preferable to have some control or authority over a small organization than to be under the control of a larger and more powerful one

بهتر است پادشاه خانه خود باشیم تا برده کاخ دیگران

بهتر است پادشاه خانه خود باشیم تا برده کاخ دیگران

everyone loves a lord

used to imply that people are attracted to those with higher social or economic status and overlook their negative traits in order to be associated with them or benefit from their power and influence

همه یک ارباب را دوست دارند

همه یک ارباب را دوست دارند

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good masters (always) make good servants

used to imply that treating subordinates with kindness, respect, and fairness leads to loyal and hardworking employees

اربابان خوب همیشه خدمتگزاران خوبی می سازند

اربابان خوب همیشه خدمتگزاران خوبی می سازند

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uneasy lies the head that wears the crown

used to imply that those in positions of power or authority often face great responsibilities and many challenges, which can lead to stress, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping

ناآرام سري است كه تاج بر سر دارد

ناآرام سري است كه تاج بر سر دارد

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if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys

used to imply that if one offers low wages, one is likely to attract and retain workers who are of lower quality, have less experience, or are less motivated to do their job well

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