
افعال فرآیندهای ذهنی - افعال برای خواسته ها

در اینجا شما برخی از افعال انگلیسی را یاد خواهید گرفت که به خواسته هایی مانند "خواستن"، "هوس کردن" و "هیجان" اشاره می کنند.






املای کلمه



شروع یادگیری
Categorized English Verbs Denoting Mental Processes
to want

to wish to do or have something



to wish

to desire something to occur or to be true even though it is improbable or not possible

آرزو داشتن

آرزو داشتن

to crave

to strongly desire or seek something

هوس کردن

هوس کردن

to like

to wish for or want something, especially used with would or should as a polite formula



to fancy

to like or want someone or something

متمایل بودن

متمایل بودن

to desire

to strongly want or wish for something



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to dream

to think about something that one desires very much

خیال‌پردازی کردن

خیال‌پردازی کردن

to hope

to want something to happen or be true

امیدوار بودن

امیدوار بودن

to prefer

to want or choose one person or thing instead of another because of liking them more

ترجیح دادن

ترجیح دادن

to favor

to prefer someone or something to an alternative

ترجیح دادن

ترجیح دادن

to aspire

to desire to have or become something

آرزوی (چیزی را) در دل داشتن

آرزوی (چیزی را) در دل داشتن

to long

to strongly want something, especially when it is not likely to happen soon

از ته دل خواستن

از ته دل خواستن

to yearn

to have a strong and continuous desire for something

آرزو کردن

آرزو کردن

to prize

to highly value something

ارزش دادن

ارزش دادن

to want for

to lack something necessary or desired

نیازمند چیزی بودن

نیازمند چیزی بودن

to covet

to have an intense and often inappropriate desire to possess something that belongs to someone else

از دل و جان خواستن

از دل و جان خواستن

to hanker

to have a strong, persistent desire for something

ارزومند چیزی بودن

ارزومند چیزی بودن

Google Translate
to hunger

to have an intense desire for something

گرسنگی دادن

گرسنگی دادن

Google Translate
to need

to want something or someone that we must have if we want to do or be something

نیاز داشتن

نیاز داشتن

to require

to need or demand something as necessary for a particular purpose or situation

نیاز داشتن

نیاز داشتن

دانلود اپلیکشن LanGeek