
افعال عبارتی با استفاده از 'Down' و 'Away' - دیگران (پایین)






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Phrasal Verbs With 'Down' & 'Away'
to boil down

to simplify a complex piece of information into a more summarized form for a clearer understanding

خلاصه کردن

خلاصه کردن

to boil down to

(of situations, problems, etc.) to have a particular factor or reason as the primary cause

از چیزی نشأت گرفتن

از چیزی نشأت گرفتن

to calm down

to become less angry, upset, or worried

آرام شدن

آرام شدن

to change down

to shift to a lower gear in a vehicle to decrease speed

دنده کم کردن

دنده کم کردن

to cool down

to reduce the temperature of something

خنک کردن

خنک کردن

to count down

to mark the decreasing time or numerical progression leading to a specific event, deadline, or moment of significance

معکوس شمردن

معکوس شمردن

to drill down

to investigate or analyze something in detail

موشکافی کردن

موشکافی کردن

to dumb down

to simplify or reduce the intellectual content of something in order to make it more accessible or appealing to a wider audience

ساده بیان کردن

ساده بیان کردن

to have down as

to form an opinion, often based on general impressions or assumptions, which may or may not be correct

تخمین زدن

تخمین زدن

to kick down

to forcefully break or destroy a barrier, obstacle, or door by kicking it

محکم لگد زدن

محکم لگد زدن

to live down

to move past a negative reputation, embarrassing situation, or mistake by demonstrating better behavior over time

خاطره ناخوشایندی را فراموش کردن

خاطره ناخوشایندی را فراموش کردن

to load down with

to force someone or something carry something or many heavy things

مجبور به حمل چیزی سنگین شدن

مجبور به حمل چیزی سنگین شدن

to play down

to make something seem less important or serious than it actually is

بی‌اهمیت جلوه دادن

بی‌اهمیت جلوه دادن

to settle down

to establish a stable and committed lifestyle, often involving marriage or a serious, long-term relationship

ازدواج کردن

ازدواج کردن

to slim down

to lose weight

وزن کم کردن

وزن کم کردن

to smooth down

to do or say something in order to reach a state of peace or calmness

آرام کردن

آرام کردن

to throw down

(of a DJ or rapper) to perform a piece of music with energy and skill

باانرژی موزیک اجرا کردن

باانرژی موزیک اجرا کردن

to track down

to search for and find someone or something after a persistent effort

ردیابی کردن

ردیابی کردن

to turn down

to decline an invitation, request, or offer

رد کردن

رد کردن

to buckle down

to work hard in order to achieve a goal

سخت‌کوشی کردن

سخت‌کوشی کردن

to get down to

to start focusing on and engaging in a task or activity in a serious or determined manner

به کاری پرداختن

به کاری پرداختن

to go down

(of an event, situation, etc.) to happen at a particular time

به وقوع پیوستن

به وقوع پیوستن

to knuckle down

to begin to work or study hard and focus seriously on a task or goal

سخت تلاش کردن

سخت تلاش کردن

to come down with

to start having an illness

مبتلا شدن

مبتلا شدن

to get down

to cause someone's spirits to be lowered

بر روحیه کسی تاثیر گذاشتن

بر روحیه کسی تاثیر گذاشتن

to go down with

to become affected by an illness

مبتلا شدن

مبتلا شدن

to let down

to make someone disappointed by not meeting their expectations

سرخورده کردن

سرخورده کردن

to call down

to tell someone they have done something wrong and express disapproval

ابراز مخالفت کردن

ابراز مخالفت کردن

to come down on

to criticize or punish someone harshly

انتقاد کردن

انتقاد کردن

to get down on

to express disapproval, criticism, or negative judgment about someone or something

ابراز نارضایتی کردن

ابراز نارضایتی کردن

to look down on

to regard someone or something as inferior or unworthy of respect or consideration

از بالا به کسی نگاه کردن (استعاری)

از بالا به کسی نگاه کردن (استعاری)

to talk down

to speak to someone in a way that suggests they are inferior or less intelligent than the speaker

کسی را تحقیر کردن

کسی را تحقیر کردن

to pelt down

to rain very fast and hard

باران شدید باریدن

باران شدید باریدن

to pour down

to rain very heavily and continuously

باران شدید باریدن

باران شدید باریدن

to brush down

to use a brush or one's hand to clean or tidy oneself, someone, or something

تمیز و مرتب کردن

تمیز و مرتب کردن

to wipe down

to clean the outside or surface of an item using a wet cloth

(با پارچه خیس) تمیز کردن

(با پارچه خیس) تمیز کردن

to double down

to become more determined or committed to a course of action or one's beliefs, especially when facing challenges or criticism

مصمم تر شدن

مصمم تر شدن

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