Phrasal Verbs Folosind 'Down' & 'Away' - Altele (jos)
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to simplify a complex piece of information into a more summarized form for a clearer understanding
reduce, simplifica
(of situations, problems, etc.) to have a particular factor or reason as the primary cause
se reduce la, se rezumă la
to shift to a lower gear in a vehicle to decrease speed
reduce, schimba pe o treaptă inferioară
to mark the decreasing time or numerical progression leading to a specific event, deadline, or moment of significance
a număra înapoi, a face un countdown
to investigate or analyze something in detail
a analiza în detaliu, a explora în profunzime
to simplify or reduce the intellectual content of something in order to make it more accessible or appealing to a wider audience
simplifica, reduce conținutul intelectual
to form an opinion, often based on general impressions or assumptions, which may or may not be correct
a considera ca, a avea ca
to forcefully break or destroy a barrier, obstacle, or door by kicking it
a lovi în jos, a da cu piciorul
to move past a negative reputation, embarrassing situation, or mistake by demonstrating better behavior over time
a depăși, a trece peste
to force someone or something carry something or many heavy things
a încărca, a suprasolicita
to make something seem less important or serious than it actually is
a minimaliza, a subestima
to establish a stable and committed lifestyle, often involving marriage or a serious, long-term relationship
a se stabili, a se așeza
to do or say something in order to reach a state of peace or calmness
domoli, îmbuna
(of a DJ or rapper) to perform a piece of music with energy and skill
a arunca, a performa
to search for and find someone or something after a persistent effort
urma, întâlni
to work hard in order to achieve a goal
a se apuca de lucru, a munci din greu
to start focusing on and engaging in a task or activity in a serious or determined manner
a începe, a se concentra asupra
(of an event, situation, etc.) to happen at a particular time
a avea loc, a se petrece
to begin to work or study hard and focus seriously on a task or goal
a se apuca serios de muncă, a se concentra serios pe o sarcină
to make someone disappointed by not meeting their expectations
a dezamăgi, a trăda
to tell someone they have done something wrong and express disapproval
a mustra, a certa
to criticize or punish someone harshly
a critica aspru, a pedepsi sever
to express disapproval, criticism, or negative judgment about someone or something
a critica, a reproșa
to regard someone or something as inferior or unworthy of respect or consideration
a disprețui, a privi de sus
to speak to someone in a way that suggests they are inferior or less intelligent than the speaker
a vorbi cu superioritate, a subestima
to rain very heavily and continuously
a ploua torențial, a ploua cu găleata
to use a brush or one's hand to clean or tidy oneself, someone, or something
perie, dresa
to clean the outside or surface of an item using a wet cloth
șterge, curăța
to become more determined or committed to a course of action or one's beliefs, especially when facing challenges or criticism
a dubla eforturile, a se angaja mai mult