Fejlett Szókincs a TOEFL-hez - Mentális egészség és zavarok
Itt elsajátíthat néhány angol szót a mentális egészségről és a mentális rendellenességekről, például "kleptomania", "BDD", "psychosis" stb., amelyek szükségesek a TOEFL vizsgához.
an excessive and unhealthy obsession with a singular subject or idea to an extent that it becomes overwhelming and harmful
a medical condition in which one is depressed in fall and winter, particularly due to lack of sunlight
szezonális affektív zavar, szezonális depresszió
a mental condition in which a woman is depressed and anxious for a period of time after giving birth to a child
szülés utáni depresszió, posztpartális depresszió
an emotional disorder in which there is a strange fear of being fat and an obsessive desire to lose weight which results in refusing to eat
anorexia, nervózis anorexia
characterized by being emotionally unstable and incapable of coping with the demands of a normal social environment
alkalmatlan, ellenálló
a psychological disorder that causes a person to spend a lot of time thinking obsessively about the imaginary imperfections in their appearance
testdiszmorfiás zavar, diszmorfiai zavar
a mental condition in which a person believes themselves to be more powerful and important than they actually are
a method of treating certain mental illnesses by effecting physiological shock or by electroconvulsive therapy
sokkterápia, elektrokonvulzív terápia
a severe mental condition in which the patient loses contact with external reality
a severe mental condition in which the patient suffers from depression often without any apparent reason
melankólia, súlyos depresszió
an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy that causes one to believe they are not as competent, smart, or attractive as other people
alsóbbrendűségi komplexus, alacsony önértékelés
a condition in which a person becomes so anxious or depressed that they can no longer handle their everyday life
idegösszeomlás, lelki összeomlás
a mental condition usually associated with schizophrenia in which the patient does not move for long time spans
a mental condition in which one is obsessed with setting things on fire
a mental condition in which one is obsessed with stealing things without any financial motive
a mental condition in which a person is constantly anxious and worried about their health
a mental condition that is not caused by organic disease in which one is constantly anxious, worried, and stressed
an eating disorder characterized by refraining from eating food that is considered unhealthy at all cost
ortorexia nervosa, ortorexia
someone who suffers from psychosis
pszichotikus, pszichotikus személy
the act of harming oneself by making wounds as a sign of mental illness
öncsonkítás, önsebesítés
(of a physical illness) caused or aggravated by mental factors, such as stress and anxiety
relating to or suffering from bipolar disorder
mániás-depressziós, bipoláris
a mental condition in which a person constantly thinks others are trying to hurt them
üldöztetés komplexus, üldöztetési szindróma
a method of therapy used for mental conditions which consists of the patient opening up about their past and feelings in order to find the reason for their illness
pszichoanalízis, pszichológiai elemzés
a condition, experienced mostly by children, making them seem restless, unable to keep focus, and act impulsively
figyelemhiányos hiperaktivitás zavar, ADHD
the treatment of mental conditions using psychology instead of drugs