the musical pitch A, which is a specific note in the diatonic scale commonly used in Western music

A, ひとつ

a musical note that is held or sustained for the duration of four beats in 4/4 time, typically denoted by an open oval shape

全音符, ホールノート

a square-shaped notehead with no stem or flags representing a note duration equivalent to four whole notes in Western music

ダブル全音符, 複数全音符

a set of notes based on a particular note that form the tonal basis of a musical passage

調, キー

the C note situated approximately in the middle of the piano keyboard, often serving as a reference point for pitch

ミドルC, 中央のC

a symbol that cancels the effect of a sharp or flat, restoring the pitch of a note to its original state

ナチュラル, 自然な音符

a musical symbol that indicates the raising of a note by two half steps or two semitones, equivalent to the same note as a natural but two half steps higher

ダブルシャープ, ダブルシャープ(音楽記号)

a musical symbol indicating a pitch that is one half step lower than the note indicated

フラット, フラット記号

a note symbol that represents a duration equal to half the value of a whole note, typically lasting for two beats in 4/4 time

ハーフノート, 白い音符

the smallest interval used in Western music, equal to the distance between two adjacent notes on a keyboard or fretboard

半音, ハーフステップ

a musical symbol placed over a note or rest to indicate that it should be held longer than its normal duration


a small round symbol in written music indicating augmentation of time by one half or staccato

ドット, ドット記号

a pair of upright lines in written music marking the end of a composition or a main passage

ダブルバー, 二重バー

a note symbol representing a duration equal to one quarter of the value of a whole note

四分音符, 黒い音符

the first scale degree of a diatonic scale and the primary note upon which a musical composition or section is centered

トニック, 主音

a set of five horizontal lines and the blank space between them on which a musical composition is written according to a pitch

五線譜, 音楽スタッフ

a short line added above or below the staff to represent a note that is outside the range of the staff

補助線, レッジャー線

a musical symbol indicating the end of a section or phrase in sheet music

点線バー, ドットバーライン

any of the signs written on the left-hand end of a staff indicating the pitch of the notes

ト音記号, 記号

a musical symbol that indicates the position of the G note on the staff, also known as the treble clef

G音記号, ト音記号

a musical symbol used to indicate the position of middle C on a staff, and is commonly used for notating the pitches of instruments such as viola, bassoon, and cello

C音部記号, Cクレフ

a musical symbol that indicates the position of the F note on the staff, also known as the bass clef

F音のクレフ, バス・クレフ

a musical symbol used to indicate that the written notes should be played or sung one octave higher or lower than notated

オクターブ記号, オクターブクレフ

a type of clef used to notate rhythms without specifying pitch, commonly for percussion instruments

ニュートラルクラシック, リズムのクレフ

a system of musical notation used for fretted string instruments, representing finger placement on the instrument's strings and frets


a musical note symbol representing a duration equal to one eighth of the value of a whole note

八分音符, 八分音

a musical note symbol representing a duration equal to one sixteenth of the value of a whole note

十六分音符, シックスティーンスノート

a note symbol representing a duration equal to one thirty-second of the value of a whole note

三十二分音符, 32番目のノート

a musical note symbol representing a duration equal to one sixty-fourth of the value of a whole note


a musical notation representing a very short duration of time, typically used in fast-paced music

二百二十八分音符, 二百二十八の音符

a musical notation representing an extremely short duration of time, typically used in very fast-paced music


a horizontal line used in musical notation to connect two or more adjacent notes of the same value, indicating that they should be played as a single, continuous sound

ビーム, 梁

a musical note with a dot placed to the right of it, which increases its duration by half, indicating that it should be held longer than a regular note of the same value

ドット音符, 点付き音符

a percussive note played with reduced or muted volume, often used in drumming and rhythm guitar to add subtle accents or create a syncopated feel

ゴーストノート, ミュートノート

a musical notation symbol indicating where a performer should take a breath while playing or singing

呼吸記号, 呼吸マーク

a musical notation symbol indicating a pause or break in the music, often used for dramatic or expressive effect


a musical symbol that indicates the lowering of a note by two half steps or two semitones, equivalent to the same note as a natural but two half steps lower


a musical meter with a 4/4 time signature, indicating four beats per measure

共通の時間, 4/4拍子

a musical notation indicating that the music should be played with a double beat, where the half note receives one beat

アラ・ブレーヴェ, ダブルビート

a curved line written over a pair of notes of the same pitch indicating that they should be played as one note

タイ, 結び付き

a sign written at the beginning of a musical composition in the form of a fraction showing the number of beats in each bar

拍子記号, タイムシグネチャー

a symbol placed before a note to indicate that it should be played higher or lower than it is written in the key signature

アクセント, アクシデンタル

a musical symbol that tells performers how to emphasize or articulate a note or group of notes to add expression and dynamic contrast

アクセント, 強調記号

a musical term indicating that a note or passage should be played with a marked emphasis or accent


a musical term indicating that a note should be held for its full duration, typically marked by a horizontal line or dash above or below the note


a musical mark that indicates a note should be played with extra emphasis or strength

アクセント, 強調記号

a musical technique that involves sliding one or more fingers or the entire hand across the keys of a piano or the strings of a stringed instrument to produce a continuous, sliding sound


a musical technique where the notes of a chord are played individually in a sequence rather than simultaneously

アルペジオ, アルペジオ

a rapid alternation between two adjacent notes, usually a semitone or a whole tone apart

トリル, オーナメント

a musical ornament that is played quickly before the main note and is not essential to the harmony or melody of a piece of music

装飾音, グレースノート

the set of marks at the beginning of a printed piece of music, indicating the key in which the piece is played

調号, キーシグネチャ

a musical ornament indicating a rapid alternation between a note and the note above or below it

モルデント, 装飾音

a notation symbol consisting of two vertical lines with dots or arrows, indicating that a section of music should be repeated from the beginning or a designated point

リピート記号, リピートの表記