
助けると傷つける動詞 - 危害を与える動詞










Categorized English Verbs of Helping and Hurting
to hurt

to cause injury or physical pain to yourself or someone else

傷つける, 痛める

傷つける, 痛める

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to injure

to physically cause harm to a person or thing

傷つける, 損傷する

傷つける, 損傷する

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to harm

to physically hurt someone or damage something

害する, 傷つける

害する, 傷つける

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to wound

to cause physical harm or injury to someone

傷つける, 負傷させる

傷つける, 負傷させる

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to maim

to cause serious and often permanent injury to a person, typically by disabling a part of their body

重傷を負わせる, 不具にする

重傷を負わせる, 不具にする

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to mutilate

to cause severe damage or harm

 mutilateする, 傷つける

mutilateする, 傷つける

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to maul

to attack or handle someone or something roughly, causing severe injury or damage

襲う, 乱暴に扱う

襲う, 乱暴に扱う

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to scar

to leave a mark on the skin after the injured tissue has healed

傷跡を残す, 傷をつける

傷跡を残す, 傷をつける

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to bruise

to make injuries, particularly ones caused by a blow, appear on the skin and cause discoloration

打撲する, あざを作る

打撲する, あざを作る

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to contuse

to cause a bruise or injury to the body, typically by blunt force or impact

打撲する, 青あざを作る

打撲する, 青あざを作る

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to pain

to cause suffering or discomfort to the body

痛める, 苦しめる

痛める, 苦しめる

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to run over

to hit and pass over something or someone with a vehicle, causing damage

轢く, ひく

轢く, ひく

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to knock out

to make someone or something unconscious

意識を失わせる, ノックアウトする

意識を失わせる, ノックアウトする

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to scathe

to harm or injure someone or something

害を与える, 傷つける

害を与える, 傷つける

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to burn

to be on fire and be destroyed by it

燃える, 焼く

燃える, 焼く

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to torch

to intentionally set fire to something, causing it to burn or be destroyed

焼く, 放火する

焼く, 放火する

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to scorch

to burn something slightly on the surface, causing a change in color without significant damage

焦げる, 焼く

焦げる, 焼く

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to singe

to lightly burn something on the surface, causing minimal damage

焦がす, 焼く

焦がす, 焼く

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to swinge

to burn something lightly

軽く焼く, 軽く焦がす

軽く焼く, 軽く焦がす

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to scald

to injure oneself with hot liquid or steam

やけどする, 熱湯にやける

やけどする, 熱湯にやける

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to assault

to violently attack someone

攻撃する, 襲う

攻撃する, 襲う

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to set on

to attack someone aggressively, either physically or verbally

襲う, 攻撃する

襲う, 攻撃する

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to fly at

to attack or assault someone or something in a violent or aggressive manner

襲いかかる, 攻撃する

襲いかかる, 攻撃する

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to rape

to force someone to have sex against their will, particularly by using violence or threatening them

強姦する, 性的暴力を振るう

強姦する, 性的暴力を振るう

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to torture

to violently hurt a person as a punishment or as a way of obtaining information from them

拷問する, 苦痛を与える

拷問する, 苦痛を与える

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to torment

to subject someone to severe physical suffering

苦しめる, 拷問する

苦しめる, 拷問する

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to rack

to torture using a device designed to stretch or elongate the body, causing extreme pain

拷問する, 引き伸ばす

拷問する, 引き伸ばす

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to inflict

to cause or impose something unpleasant, harmful, or unwelcome upon someone or something

与える, 押し付ける

与える, 押し付ける

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to poison

to give a substance containing toxins or harmful elements to a person or animal with the intention of causing illness, harm, or death

毒を盛る, 毒殺する

毒を盛る, 毒殺する

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to sting

(of an animal or insect) to pierce the skin of another animal or a human, typically injecting poison, either in self-defense or while preying

刺す, 毒を注入する

刺す, 毒を注入する

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